I will be getting a puppy soon. I have never had an indoor dog before. I am looking forward to it but will you please give me tips on keeping my house from smelling like a dog! I couldn't tolerate that. Some dog owners homes never smell and others you notice instantly. I am particular about that. Cleaning bedding weekly, bathing and brushing regularly and vacuuming regularly all help but is there anything else? I want to be successful at this. Thanks
The doggy smell in houses comes from the collar/bedding/carpets/soft furnishings rather than the dog itself unless they have rolled in something undesirable. Keep all these clean and there will be no smell until they get very old and then it tends to be their breath. Labs don’t need a lot of bathing to keep clean and it could be detrimental to their coat.
Puppies smell lovely! Hope you are prepared for the inevitable toileting smells that will happen until fully house trained. Just keep the house clean as you say.
They would really smell and no doubt about that but besides cleaning you could also place charcoal inside your home to absorb the smell. If you could get rid of your carpet and use hardwood floors then that would be so much helpful. What smells in our living room is their dog beds so make sure to regularly wash it or if you could even make a bedsheet for that so you won't need to wash the actual bed regularly.
None of our Labs ever smelled noticeably. They almost never got baths, but did swim if they had the opportunity. Collars can get a little stinky, but they are easy to clean.