Your experience

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Labsforever, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. Labsforever

    Labsforever Registered Users

    Feb 13, 2021
    Hi all, ive been doing a lot of research on the Labrador and wanted to ask how true some of the things ive read are as i know dogs are individuals and breed guides are just guides.

    1) easy to train but stubborn at times but can train a Lab nearly anything?

    2) need at least 2hrs of exercise everyday are active but not hyper ( once matured)

    3) loyal to there people

    4) friendly to everyone

    5) only bark for a reason are not constant barkers and are rather quiet in the house?

    Thank you in advance for any advice
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Good questions,
    1. Not at all stubborn, just wants to please. Easy to train as food motivated and intelligent.
    2. Excercise intermittent. Lots one day and a potter the next. Has to fit in with the family, but she is 7, however, not the case when young and a teenager . Plenty of off lead exercise kept us all sane, so yes probably 2 hours at that point, but not forever.
    4. Totally loyal, she loves her family and plenty of friends.
    5. Not friendly to everyone, cautious when on a walk, but friendly at home
    6. Barks to alert, and no other time. We have not trained this out, as it is helpful for us.
    Labsforever likes this.
  3. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    Well they are all individuals. My young working lab has required a LOT of training to cope with distractions, more than any other dog I’ve had, I’ve had border collie, toller, spaniels. we do walk at least 2 hrs a day, mostly off lead and usually involves water play/ swimming. She has been OTT and very emotional as a young dog and she has a nervous side to her, tending to be unsure of men. She was very bitey as a pup but hardly destructive of her environment. She is now bright, full of energy on walk , calm at home, good on walk, works well with positive reward based training and loves her food and ball. She is a real character. She has required a lot of attention as a young dog and at 2yrs 4 months has become a real sweetheart with us at home. She barks at postman and people passing house sometimes
    Labsforever likes this.
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    The noise thing is obviously a real issue for you based on your previous posts here and elsewhere. Out of my 5 labs, 4 of them will bark when someone comes to the door, two will 'woofle' when someone walks by the house (we are very remote so this doesn't happen often) and one of them; I have never heard bark.
    Regarding stubbornness, this is not a trait I have ever seen in any of my Labradors, or in any of the hundreds I have trained/trained with.
    For loyalty, some are, some aren't. Mine all are and I only have one who will happily go up to a stranger to ask for a biscuit/fuss, but only when I have been chatting to the person for a while. I know of a lot of over socialised Labradors who will happily bowl up to anyone.
    Labsforever likes this.
  5. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I have had a golden retriever and two labs. All very different personalities despite the same/similar training. Toby has been by far the hardest.
    Yes more settled in the house after exercise. Not a rigid 2 hours though.
    Loves his close family.
    His distrust of people means he thankfully doesn’t go running up to people and will skirt round people on walks(makes life much easier) However he will bark at people(mainly men) if they give him too much eye contact and approach him where he can’t move away(such as sitting in an outdoor cafe minding our own business!)Not in an aggressive way just a “don’t come any closer” request. This also manifests itself in him barking excessively when someone comes to the door or steps on the drive. My previous dogs were not like this.
    Labsforever likes this.

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