Puppy is a stone eater/ chewer advice needed!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Natasha Dorset, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. Natasha Dorset

    Natasha Dorset Registered Users

    May 19, 2021
    My 17 week lab is a terrible stone eater. He eats everything (cat poo, his own poo, bras books, swimming goggles, all the wild strawberries in the garden…) but the stones worry me. I’m trying the ‘leave it’ command and swapping for a toy and treat but I actually think it’s making it worse. He picks up stones and gives them to me for treats. He’s still sneaky tho… As I’m still finding him with small pebbles in his mouth. It’s constant some days. And I find them in his crate…

    The vet suggested a muzzle when he starts eating then in the garden. I don’t want to but I really don’t want him to get a blockage.

    I’m trying distracting etc and firmly saying no…

  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I traded stuff for treats with Meg at that age and supervised her like a hawk, so opportunities were limited. Trading worked well and like your dog, she was so clever she started bringing me shoes and dropping them at my feet in anticipation of a treat. That wore off though and we hit an appropriate harmony. Keep trying, your pup is still young yet and that constant need to have something in their mouth does settle after their teeth fall out.
  3. Uday kalidhar

    Uday kalidhar Registered Users

    May 25, 2021
    My labra used to scratch walls and eat the wall. We were really worried..we had to keep close watch on him. We need to engage them and utilise them elsewhere. Now he had stopped eating stones and sand. We always give him something to chew.
  4. Teresa Ross

    Teresa Ross Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2021
    Hi all,

    How are you getting on? Has there been any progress, or have you gone down the route of a muzzle?

    We have just adopted 9week old; in the garden its plants stones and grass. I am concerned about a blockage and also eating some poisonous plant. Currently he is on a lead in the garden which I dislike doing, but it feels its the only way until he understands to leave it and no.

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