New Puppy

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Leecaz, Jun 27, 2021.

  1. Leecaz

    Leecaz Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2021
    Hi, we have had our puppy just 1 week and he is now 9 weeks old. He is doing very well but we have noticed the witching hour on the last 2 evenings, we try and offer lots of distractions with toys, Kongs and even some training but sometimes he is in a focused mood of biting, scratching etc and tend to focus more on my wife! Do we just keep going or is there something we are missing. By the way he is adorable 99% 9f the time
    Fenella Woodus likes this.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Leecaz, welcome to the forum!

    Congratulations on your puppy :)

    Puppies are generally hopeless at regulating their behavior or controlling their worst impulses when they're tired. The witching hour is real!

    I'm afraid you can't avoid it altogether, but this article on our main site has lots of advice for coping until he grows out of it.

    Keep hanging in there!
  3. Fenella Woodus

    Fenella Woodus Registered Users

    Jun 21, 2021
    Our puppy is now 5 months old and used to go crazy at "lounge time" as we call it, that time in the evening when we open the kitchen stairgate and we all move into the lounge for the evening. He used to hare about jumping on sofas, biting everyone and everything he could. Well I can now safely say that is a phase which they grow out of if you are consistent with your response. We now have a puppy who calmly enters the lounge, lies on the rug or in his lounge bed and is totally relaxed. Those crazy witching hour evenings seem a distant memory and I'm sure will soon be the same for you so take heart!
  4. ChewyNev

    ChewyNev Registered Users

    Jul 6, 2021
    Thanks for posting that there’s hope and well done! Can I ask what you did to manage that?
  5. Fenella Woodus

    Fenella Woodus Registered Users

    Jun 21, 2021
    We always took a ball in and also some low key toys in with us. We've got a dogwood stick which I totally recommend (Google it) and just some old socks knotted together. Then each evening we'd start off playing a steady/slow game of roll the ball to each other with Nero chasing and then try to calm his play down using the dogwood stick (woody) and sock and eventually calm play has become the norm. We didn't use treats for this but do for an daytime activities.

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