Labrador Appetite and the POMC Gene

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Susan Clapoff, May 18, 2021.

  1. Susan Clapoff

    Susan Clapoff Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2021
    I'd like to get a Labrador puppy. I know that many many Labradors have voracious excessive insatiable appetites. Many are always hungry, are very grabby re training treats, many will eat wood and other non food organics and inorganic. I find this very difficult and would like to avoid this in purchasing a puppy. I know that homozygotes for the POMC deletion have voracious appetites. And I also read the about 70% of service dogs are heterozygous for the deletion ie they have one copy. So it is possible that heterozygotes for POMC have milder appetites? that is what the data is suggesting. If anyone knows of lines of Labradors that have normal appetites, I would greatly appreciate a reference to the breeder who is breeding normal appetite labradors if there are any.
    would love and appreciate any leads or more information on this topic.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hi, I dont know much about this but in all my years of browsing Labrador adverts, it has not been mentioned. Its an interesting discussion though. My lab is always happy for her meals but does not grab due to being trained not to. She does not chew anything else as she is kept busy and that behaviour is often linked to boredom. Good luck with your search.
  3. iLoVeVaNcOuVeR

    iLoVeVaNcOuVeR Registered Users

    Jul 27, 2021
    it's good that you have done your homework prior to brining it home. we didn't know that until we have seen it, to be honest i still would choose him, we feed he only what he needs not what he wants.
    he is 4months, healthy and in a good shape, i just feel sorry for him for being always hungry :(
  4. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    Interesting discussion. I'm pretty sure our first Lab had this gene as she was always ravenous...would steal loaves of bread from passers by grocery bags and grab sandwiches from folks in the street!! Our current dogs love food but seem less food " driven"

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