7 year old lab throwing up at night same time

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Raymo2022, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. Raymo2022

    Raymo2022 Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2021
    Hello All,

    My 7 year old lab recently started throwing up every evening at 2:30am. This is totally out of the blue and has happened a few nights in a row. He gets anxious and wants to go outside. He then eats grass and will throw up about 10-20 minutes later. He is on a KD diet and is fed twice a day at 7am and 7pm. He does not vomit during the day. Also the contents looks to just be the grass and not much else. I do not see much bile or anything else in there. Afterwards he is totally fine and happy. He is eating and pooping normally as well.

    I've read that a pre-bed time snack might help?

    He has an appointment with his vet but that's a few weeks out so I was curious if others have had this issue.

    Thank you
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi there
    I cannot help with the problem but if you have to wait a few weeks to see the vet you should change vets. Dogs often eat grass to make themselves sick if they feel unwell. You should get him checked out sooner rather than later.
  3. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    I agree with getting to the vets as soon as you can, but if you have recently changed his diet, then I would certainly recommend moving his evening meal back, or give him a hearty snack at bedtime to see if that help in the meantime.
  4. Raymo2022

    Raymo2022 Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2021
    Thank you for the replies. I agree about the vet so I ended up taking him in to UC Davis Emergency. He checked out fine and we did add a bedtime snack. So far he has not had any further episodes. We adjusted his bedtime snack to a bit smaller meal and its been all good.

    Thanks again for the feedback
    5labs likes this.

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