Managing a un neutered 2 year old male

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by ShellandDrake, May 10, 2021.

  1. ShellandDrake

    ShellandDrake Registered Users

    Sep 22, 2019
    Hi all. My question is to those who have not or who initially chose not to neuter their male young. How did you manage off lead walks? My boy ran after a female who was just coming onto season yesterday( the owner had not appreciated, I make no criticism).She was off lead. I lost him in the woods for a while ,which was terrifying. He had never run off before. His recall is very good but he was a dog possessed yesterday. He is 2(Lab). Has anyone had experience of neuturing once mature? Did you notice any negative personality changes ie becoming more fearful. Has anyone any experience of chemical castration? Thanks for your
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Neutering him may stop him running after in season bitches, but I would opine that that is not the only solution to your problem. Be honest with yourself about his recall. You say it's "very good" but is it 100%? If not, then this might be good starting point to look at before neutering. I test my recall occasionally by throwing a ball and recalling when they are running for it. It is also tested regularly by rabbits, hares, pheasants etc!
    I was out training an entire dog with an in season bitch yesterday. I would not expect to get much sense out of the dog in this situation, but I would still expect a 100% recall.
  3. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    Unless you are showing/working him and get health clearances beyond the normal vet checks, there is no reason not to neuter him. You can find studies supporting both risk and benefit, but considering his age I don't think there is any reason to worry. It isn't easy to 100% unwanted litters though, and there is no reason to want litters unless you can prove he is a perfect example of his breed.

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  4. Julian

    Julian Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    Long Island
    My 1st English chocolate wasn’t fixed until he was 6 years old ,we were going to mate him ,no changes in personality and just as active
  5. Julian

    Julian Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    Long Island
    Neutering won’t stop that but if you are not going to breed him then 2 and older is the time to do it ,packer almost always obeys the heel command when off leash and returns to my side on that command ,I only say heel once ,that should be something you should work on if you have not perfected that yet

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