Worried about 6 month olds hips

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Smccee92, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. Smccee92

    Smccee92 Registered Users

    Jul 10, 2021
    Hi, new to the forum but looking for some advice please.

    My lab has recently started clicking in his hips. We took him to the vets about 5 weeks ago and she told us he is showing no signs of pain, she manipulated his legs and hips and said everything seemed fine, however the clicking is constant. Anytime he walks or goes up and down the stairs. I can't help feeling that something has been missed?? He runs about like crazy and has no symptoms apart from the clicking. His hips do sway slightly when walking but the vet advised his walking looks normal, as he is quite a big boy for his age she told us it could just be that his joints etc are lax because he is growing fast . Has anyone else experienced this?? Also I've started him on yumove young and active capsules as I've heard this is good for joints, incase there could eventually be a problem.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi there, welcome to the forum :)

    Don't be embarrassed to get a second opinion from another vet if you're worried.

    I've met humans with healthy but very clicky joints, I guess it could be possible in dogs too?
  3. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    In any case, my parents had to double diaper me for a while, and then I wore braces on my legs until I was about 10 months old. What I wore looks nothing like what today's Pavlik harness looks like--it was closer to a full cast of my pelvic area to around the knees. My mother says I learned to crawl around 8 months anyway by dragging the thing behind me and I started to walk sometime around one year of age (apparently, Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox no one knew I was learning until I'd already mastered it. Whatever).

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