Puppy meeting kids for 1st time -tips?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by M1n, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. M1n

    M1n Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2021
    Hi again, just after tips for introducing a pup to kids safely. Neo is coming up to 12 weeks and we have had a few outings carrying him and watching the world go by etc where he has met some strangers which went well, also friends/family coming to the house however we haven’t come across any kids yet as I don’t have any myself. My friend wants to come by tomorrow with his 2 young kids and I want to do things right for all involved. I was intending to keep him on his house line and time a good solid nap before they arrive and keep the interactions short but am still nervous, anyone got any tips with this? I know it’s important for him to meet kids and for it to be positive, also I really don’t want to be responsible for a kid having a fear of dogs because I’ve done something wrong. I’ve pre-warned my friend that he doesn’t have very good manners yet and is still very jumpy and/or nippy at times. Any help appreciated, thanks.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    It really depends on the kids behaviour. There is a myth that all pups are lovely and cuddly. The reality is they are quite feisty and can nip/hurt kids. Kids then scream, run away etc and it’s is a negative experience all round. Personally, I kept my kids, twins, age 6 at the time, well way from Meg until over that stage. Just not worth it, particularly with young kids.
  3. Chris N

    Chris N Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2021
    Kids and pups don't really mix well.

    Set ground rules..
    Train the kids. Don't let them be loud. Don't let them run up, stand over hug or be heavy handed.

    Basically don't let them do anything you wouldn't want done to you by a six and a half foot talk biker.

    Does your dog know touch? With the kids next door we ended up doing that with them more as a way to relax the interaction.
  4. M1n

    M1n Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2021
    Thanks for your response, I thought it might be a bad idea. I’m inclined to call the whole thing off to be on the safe side as shortly after my post he drew blood again nipping me and think it would be fairer for all. Will it be detrimental for him to wait a while before meeting kids in your experience?
  5. M1n

    M1n Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2021
    Thanks for that, yes he does know touch, I may rethink the idea for the meantime until his manners improve a bit though.
  6. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
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