Swollen lump remaining on hock(ankle) after surgery?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Gonefishin07, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. Gonefishin07

    Gonefishin07 Registered Users

    Jul 22, 2021

    I wanted to see if anyone has had any experience with hock/ankle injuries and how your dog healed up.

    I brought my lab in for emergency surgery about 3 weeks ago for a laceration along the inside of his hind leg at the ankle. They put stitches in to close it up. He was always able to put weight on his leg. Kept him from being active for the 2 weeks until the stitches came out. Stitches came out 1 week ago, and there’s still a large swollen “lump” right at the incision site, which is right along the hock. Very noticeable compared to the other side. Feels firm to the touch.

    My vet wasn’t sure what to think of it when he removed the stitches. Just said that hopefully it resolves on its own. He’s running around perfectly normal, so not sure why there would still be so much swelling after this long.

    Has anyone’s dog had a hock injury that stayed inflamed/swollen for awhile or took awhile to heal?

    Thanks for any insight, much appreciated!
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Gonefishin, welcome to the forum :)

    I'm sorry your boy has been in the wars! I'm afraid I've never encountered something like you describe, but I'm sure the vet will be happy to take another look if it doesn't resolve itself.

    I hope he continues to recover quickly!
  3. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    If you didn't get an X-ray, get an X-ray. If you got an X-ray, get another one. I broke my wrist and elbow in a crash, was told it was "just a sprain" and had it rechecked 6 weeks later when it hadn't healed, only to end up in surgery the next day to avoid having to 're-break' my wrist. Nox Vidmate VLC Good luck, and find a 2nd doctor ASAP.

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