Rehoming my puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by OnyxtheLab, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. OnyxtheLab

    OnyxtheLab Registered Users

    Sep 4, 2021
    Hi all, I feel this post will get me hate, but please do not jump to conclusions before you read. I’m open for any opinions and advice on this subject.

    So, last month I had to rehome my 6 month old lab puppy. My best friend, and the one thing that has kept me going for the last few months after battling septic shock last year, and walking with her has motivated me and gotten me more fit. We did everything together, obedience classes, gundog classes and long walks through the woods. She was rehomed to a specialist police scent dog training programme, and apparently is a real asset there. She’s incredible in every way.

    Our reason for rehoming was as follows;
    My brother is severely autistic. Nobody in my family researched before impulsively buying this pup, we were naive and stupid. My mother impulsively bought her from a byb, we weren’t even searching for a large breed of dog. My brother is a dog lover, or so we thought. We have only owned small dog breeds in the past (since passed away as they were rescues) and he adored them, even our old cranky cocker who loved to bite and nip when he’d had enough.

    He hated my girl when she was here. Despite trying to build their bond with obedience classes and even a private trainer, he seemed to just resent her. She jumped up at him and scratched him (he’s a short boy), nipped him and barked at him. He’d refuse to even enter the kitchen if she was present because she was ‘too big’. He’d scream if she ran towards him, rightly so as she has the ability to bowl him over. He refused to walk her on the leash because she was “too strong.” Trying to stop a puppy from being a puppy was impossible, and though we held on for “one more week, one more month,” nothing worked and he reached breaking point.

    Now, I have become so depressed. My life seems empty. I’ve searched for kennels to volunteer at but nobody is looking for workers (it’s a very popular job around here.) My life seems so dull. I cried for a week when I knew we had to rehome my puppy. I just hugged her and cried. So, I was considering rescuing a small breed of dog around next year. Or possibly even buying a Cocker puppy from one of our amazing kennels in the area. A small dog that won’t do much damage if she jumps up at my brother, but I can still take on long walks and do gundog/scent work with. My sister (who lives an hour away), often brings her cocker up and he adores the dog. Sits on the sofa and watches tv while tugging a toy in the cocker’s mouth. I guess it’s the size that makes it easier for him to stomach. Is this wrong? Since having my lab i’ve thrown myself into the dog community, researching breeds and training. I adore dogs and they’re a huge part of my life and now it’s all been ripped away from me. I miss having something to sit on the sofa with after a long morning walk, or play fetch with in the garden, or give kisses. I miss having a training project - gundog work was so fun. I think having something to care for helped me care for myself more.
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    What area are you in? I am a gundog trainer in North Yorkshire and would be more than happy to have a helping had from time to time, as I'm sure many other trainers would be.
  3. NancyB

    NancyB Registered Users

    Jul 17, 2021
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada
    No hate at all. Sounds like a really tough situation and I feel for you. At least your puppy has found a good home. Hope you can find some way to stay involved with dogs
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    A tough decision, but right at the time. Where do you live ? In uk there are companies like, Borrow my doggie, where get to walk/care for a dog whilst whilst their owner is busy. Maybe you look at something like that ?
  5. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    I have my own dog but also 'borrow' two dogs from two different friends as I only have room and funds for one dog but time for more! Of course it's not the same as my own dog but I get a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from taking these others out (individually). In the UK Borrowmydoggy is a safe way of meeting people who need help with their dogs if you don't already know someone who would like help.
    Chris N and OnyxtheLab like this.
  6. OnyxtheLab

    OnyxtheLab Registered Users

    Sep 4, 2021
    Thanks so much :) Yeah she’s doing amazing I get regular updates, but my heart still feels broken everyday
  7. OnyxtheLab

    OnyxtheLab Registered Users

    Sep 4, 2021
    he’s ^^ autocorrect :(
  8. Chris N

    Chris N Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2021
    Sometimes the right thing to do really stinks.
    from the active people on here you should get respect for the decision not hate.

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