Panosteitis in 9mo lab

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Jaxmom, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. Jaxmom

    Jaxmom Registered Users

    Nov 14, 2021

    I am new to the forum and happy to connect with so many other dog lovers. I have a 9 month old chocolate lab. He is the SWEETEST dog, such a good soul and we love him like he is our second child. He is normally full of energy, loves to play fetch, swim in the ocean, go to doggy day care, etc. Unfortunately this past week he was diagnosed with panosteitis after developing a limp. This is heart breaking to watch. He cannot put weight on the affected leg (right front leg) and is limping and struggling to walk/get around. He is also very lethargic (sleeps and lies around the whole day). It is so upsetting and i want to find a way to help him in any way i can. We have tried gabapentin and just recently switched to Carprofen without much relief. Does anyone have any recommendations on treatments they found helpful? Or experience with this? How long will it last? Has anyone seen a specialist (orthopedist) for this problem. Thanks in advance.
    worried momma
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    There's not a lot to offer other than pain releif and rest. If it is just pano ( I assume they have x-rayed to rule out other issues such as elbow dysplaisia), then he should get through it soon x

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