10 week old chocolate lab

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Ruth Webster, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. Ruth Webster

    Ruth Webster Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2021
    Hi, we brought our 10 week old lab home on Wednesday. He is gorgeous but I feel completely overwhelmed. He eats everything in the garden. Wees everywhere and spent 2 nights howling the house down. Seem to have sorted to howling by sleeping next to him but kniw this is not a long term solution. Feeling like the ibternet might not be my friend. Lots of conflicting advice and my anxiety is ramping up. Feedibg the diet which the breeder recommended which is a mixnof kibvle, rice, veggies and raw meat but sone advice says jot to feed puppies raw meat. Very confused.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Ruth, welcome to the forum :)

    Don't worry, lots of us have been overwhelmed by a new puppy in the past - you only need to flick through some of the previous threads in our puppy board to see that you're not alone!

    At risk of bombarding you with even more information, we've got a couple of guides on our main site which might help you:

    This one is about dogs and puppies eating things they shouldn't (like your plants!)

    This one is a fool proof troubleshooting guide to potty training.

    And this one is about helping a new puppy get to sleep at night.

    Finally, lots of puppies are weaned onto raw food, and there's nothing inherently dangerous about it. It's a good idea to keep him on the diet his breeder was feeding him for a couple of weeks while he settles in, but if you'd like to transition him gradually onto something else after that (for any reason) you can :)

    Most of all, keep hanging in there. The puppy stage is intense, but it's not forever!
    Edp and 5labs like this.

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