Elbow Dysplasia-Fragmented Coronoid Process

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Lisaellen, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. Lisaellen

    Lisaellen Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2018
    Hello All!

    Our 3 YO yellow lab, Jack, started limping (although he never really seemed in pain) and after a month of trying Dermamaxx medication, we finally had X-rays that showed ED and a FCP in his right elbow. We set up arthroscopy with an orthopedic surgeon. The surgery was successful and the vet said surprisingly (since he is 3 YO) the cartilage wear was mild to moderate and he saw very minor to no arthritis. He gave us a 6 week recovery period and then normal activity. Our lab is crazy, so we give him a daily mild sedative to keep him calm. We have never crated him, so the vet recommended removing all furniture cushions and we put our mattress on the floor for sleeping. We have blocked off all stairs and put a ramp on the front entry for bathroom breaks.

    It has been almost two weeks since surgery. The first couple of days were rough and I was so bummed to see our Jack down and out. However, after 4-5 days the limp was improving and Jack was in better spirits (good but her bad since he needs to remain calm). The recovery has not been perfect, but we try our best. He really has not jumped, but he has gotten excited a couple of times or accidentally taken a few stairs outside. I still consider it a win for this spunky lab. My questions are:

    We are almost two weeks in now and our surgeon said 3x10 minute walks daily at two weeks. I noticed jack’s limp Seems a bit worse over the last few days. Could this just be from stiffness or do they go through up and down periods? I’m nervous about walking him on a limp, but maybe a mild walk is good for it? We have no other form of rehab and we’re not advised of anything but massage or hot compress.

    We continue on this walk pattern until 6 week, then he said normal activity. Does this seem normal?

    Any stories out There of
    Labs with a similar maybe less severe form of ED? I don’t want to undermine it though, the joint is still Malformed. Luckily, I think we caught it soon before bad damage set in.

    Diana Maberry likes this.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Lisaellen I would if I were you contact your surgeon and advise him of what you have observed.

    I guess you now appreciate why many, many dog trainers believe all dogs should be taught crating.

    I also suggest you buy a metal crate and teach him to go into his crate an exercise now. It's a low-impact exercise. It will be something new so will help with his current lack of mental stimulation.
  3. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Hi Lisaellen,

    My girl, Lady was diagnosed with ED (coronoid process) in both elbows when she was around 2 years old. Pretty much the same experience with an unexplained limp as you have had. Similar ops to both elbows plus tendon release. She's had 6 good years following the ops and only now at 9years old is she starting to get trouble with arthritis.

    Like you she wasn't crated. It might have helped but we'll never know as we didn't do it. We were just vigilant keeping her from hooning around in the house as far as possible. I'm struggling to recall how she was in the first couple of weeks. What I can remember is she had quite a lot of pain and whimpered every now and then. She was on Metacam, plus her surgeon advised 1/4 of a paracetamol to relieve the pain, but I can't recall the frequency. The paracetamol helped plus a bit of elbow massage.

    We were also on a restricted lead walk regime. I found that difficult as Lady is one of those dogs who has to search out every square inch of a field before finding the right spot to do what she has to do. It seemed I was doing more damage by her being on the lead than off so provided there were no other dogs around I let her off the lead to do her business.

    She improved steadily and after 6 weeks was declared fit by the vet. I did call the surgery a few times for advice though as in the first couple of weeks or so she was pretty uncomfortable - that's when the paracetamol advice was given.

    I should give you vet a call for reassurance and not worry too much about the crating - it sounds to me like you are doing the right things.

    Good luck and I hope the outcome is a good for Jack as it has been for Lady.
    Beanwood likes this.
  4. Lisaellen

    Lisaellen Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2018
    Thank you for the information! I’m happy to hear of Lady’s outcome. Our surgeon had a lab with ED and he did not crate him, so I hope that we have done enough to still allow for successful healing. Very hard to crate a dog all day and have two working parents.

    I felt pretty good going into Jack’s surgery, as the surgeon said he had seen much worse on a lot younger pups. So I am hoping that the seemingly increase in limping is a stage of healing and stiffness from lack of exercise. The surgeon is hours away, so tomorrow we call him for a two week follow up. Otherwise, the leg and elbow look great (in my opinion anyway), and he actually has not seemed to be in much pain outside of the first couple of days after surgery.

    If we are still allowed to take him on small walks starting tomorrow, we will have leash struggles as well as he has always been trained solely to a shock collar (or beep tone). The only issue is he likes to run around a bit. So I am hoping that the vet will have some advice for that.

    Wishing Lady the best!

  5. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    I certainly wouldn't use an ecollar. The site here does not advocate the usage of such equipment. And if you're dog wants to run wildly because he has been confined, are you are going to apply a greater positive punishment to the poor dog. Not an appropriate and ethical way to treat the dog. I would be inclined to ask the Vet whether one should place large towel around the dog's abdomen so that the dog could be exercised with a bit of constraint. The vet may have a better solution.
  6. akc

    akc Registered Users

    Dec 2, 2016
    Toronto, Canada
    Hi there - our George had this surgery last Spring and while we were told approx. 6 weeks for recovery his took a lot longer. (He had both elbows done). Perhaps we were over-cautious about letting him do things (he was not on crate rest but restricted to 5, then 10, then 20 minute walks), and he did still seem quite stiff after 20 minute walks even at 6 weeks.

    I'd say he wasn't really 100% until almost 10 weeks. However after that, and once he gained his stamina back, there was a HUGE improvement and he's still doing great about 5 months later. Just chiming in to say it may take longer than 6 weeks but still work out.
  7. Diana Maberry

    Diana Maberry Registered Users

    May 7, 2019
  8. Diana Maberry

    Diana Maberry Registered Users

    May 7, 2019
    I was wondering how Jack continued to heal as time went on as I see it is now about 6 months. My boy Charmer was also 3 and he had FPC and had surgery almost 4 weeks ago. He had no limping at all until 2 nights ago when he got up from naps and I saw a slight limp that stopped as he walked. I guess not really a limp but more of a stiffness. He has done this again tonight. I am going to call his surgeon tomorrow to see what he thinks. He has been crated at night. We used an x pen during the day that was made quite small and he was very good in it. Surgeon said at 2 week check up he was doing great and we could limit him to one room. So in our family room, we have it gated off and he doesn't really do much. He has been a lot calmer than I ever expected. We have a leash attached to him and any time he seems like he might be going to do something we have control of him. Surgeon said we could start walking him other than potty walks at the two week check up. At first we did 10 minutes and he told us we could add a bit every 4-5 days. So at this point he is a little over 15 twice a day. I was wondering if the limping your boy had has resolved and if so, how long did it take. Just confused since I feel we did all the surgeon asked and then this limp/stiffness appeared out of nowhere. I hope Jack is doing really well now.
  9. Lesley Archer

    Lesley Archer Registered Users

    Apr 11, 2019
    Hi, this thread as really helped me as our 6 YO has had both elbows done 3 days ago. Can anyone help with how your dogs were in the first few days. She seems to be very sad and finding it difficult to do her business on a lead as she is used to being free. Also she has gone off her food she refused tea last night and breakfast this morning. My guess is she is just very out of sorts. She is being crated and she must feel so confused. She is on pain killers and metacam. I feel so bad for her but know things will be so much better in a few months. Thanks very much
  10. mamaoftessie

    mamaoftessie Registered Users

    Jan 11, 2020
    Hi, I'm interested in hearing how things are going now. We have a 6 YO that has elbow dysplasia and had an ulnar osteotomy (they cut the ulna bone and reposition) on the left elbow 3 weeks ago. She was bone on bone, no cartilage. She's limping pretty badly and when at rest she lifts the leg so putting no weight on it. Very limited potty walks and no activity until at least the 6 week mark. Feel so bad to see her limping so badly, normal?
  11. BogeyBear

    BogeyBear Registered Users

    May 8, 2020
    Hi mamaoftessie, How is your pup doing now? Our lab/golden mix just had FCP surgery in March. We are 7 weeks post op now and he's still limping.. concerned that we did something wrong in rehab. Very frustrating.
  12. torchest

    torchest Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2019
  13. torchest

    torchest Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2019
    I know this thread is quite old now but our 18 month old Lab has just had surgery for FCP and keeping him occupied is quite challenging. The surgeon/vet didn't say anything about crate rest, just house bound with no jumping onto furniture or excitement until the stitches come out in 10 days (8 now). He is naturally quite bouncy, especially when he sees me prepare his food when he is literally bouncing. I am splitting his daily rations into snuffle mat, puzzle bowl,frozen kong and another kong he has to chew it out of. When we take him out to toilet he tries to leap about and it is very hard stopping this. It really will be a very long week, never mind 4 further weeks. I just hope it works and he doesn't have any more problems.
  14. RachVan89

    RachVan89 Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2021
    Hi, can I check in on how your pup further recovered? We are 5.5 weeks post double FCP surgery and are still experiencing lameness on the right elbow after periods of resting. Vet says continue to monitor but we’re anxious and looking for similar experiences that ended in success :)

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