How much Science Diet(or similar)?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by BHooRea, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. BHooRea

    BHooRea Registered Users

    Jan 3, 2022
    My lab has always had GI issues, he also drinks a TON of water, and has a host of other issues.

    Anyway, the point to this post is to see if he’s eating the same as most.
    If you have a lab and…
    - they’re around ideal weight
    - you feed science diet(or a nutritionally very similar food)

    …then PLEASE help Bodi and me by answering a few questions.

    1) What good are you feeding?
    2) How much food does your dog eat per day?
    3) How active is your pup?

    Thank you all!
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    It's not as simple as this. Even dogs of the same weight, doing the same amount of work, can have very different needs.

    I have 2 labs at 25kg (one slightly over weight, one slightly under). The slightly over weight one eats around 300g raw meat/day, the slimmer one eats 1kg raw meat/day. A dog's individual needs can vary greatly.
  3. korty

    korty Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2022
    1) What good are you feeding?
    -So much. I mix her food with kibble and natural vegies and meat
    2) How much food does your dog eat per day?
    just twice a day as per advice by our vet. I give him full bowl (about 3-4cups)
    3) How active is your pup?
    Morning walk and once a week visiting someone house or going to mall

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