2 months old female lab behaving aggressively after being scolded

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Mayank Singh, Jan 17, 2022.

  1. Mayank Singh

    Mayank Singh Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2022
    3 days ago, I scolded my puppy for biting my neck....by falsely showing slipper to her andd beating the floor(false punishment).
    But after that she's behaving aggressively towards me and the after that she started growling and barking....she sometimes starts running here andd there madly and sits in the corner or behind the furniture... however now she's quite better but not normal as she was earlier.....her ears were sometimes stay bend backward......is this fear period or fear aggression idk
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Mayank,

    I’m afraid you have frightened your puppy. Unfortunately whoever recommended beating the floor with a slipper has misled you - there is no such thing as a ‘false’ punishment. Either something has the effect of punishing a dog by making their life worse, or it doesn’t. Beating the floor made her life worse by frightening and intimidating her, so it was a punishment, and now it sounds like she is trying to hide from you.

    I hope that doesn't sound like I'm having a go at you. We've all tried our best to do the right thing in the past by trusting advice which later turned out to be completely incorrect - it happens. But you've still got lots of time to turn this situation around.

    Take a look at this guide to surviving the puppy biting stage. It can be hard work and depressing at times, but there are lots of force free strategies ways of getting through it unscathed. You might also enjoy these articles:

    More generally, this article on our main site explains why punishment in dog training doesn’t work. Please bear in mind that we also delete forum posts that promote punishment based training - you can read our full forum guidelines here.

    Finally, good luck, and do come back and let us know how you get on :)
    Michael A Brooks and Edp like this.

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