Silver lab coat thinning

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Cassiechevalier, Jan 19, 2022.


Is this alopecia

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  1. Cassiechevalier

    Cassiechevalier Registered Users

    Apr 12, 2021
    Hi there,
    My name is Cassie and I have a 3 year old silver lab, Lincoln. Im looking for some help on regrowing his coat. He seems to have hair thinning almost as if he’s missing his topcoat, but it’s only on his sides. He has his dense coat everywhere other than his sides, he even has a strip of dense fur down his back. Im already aware that alopecia is common in silver labs because of the diluted gene etc.. but what confuses me is he doesn’t have bald patches or chunks of hair that fall out like you’d see in general alopecia. He just has thinner hair on his sides. So could this be something other than alopecia? He has pretty healthy skin and no other signs of alopecia other than the thin hair. So I guess my question is whether or not anyone can give me their opinions on whether or not he has alopecia, or another reason his coat is so thin? I would also love some help on the best way to help him regrow a healthy full coat.
    Thank you :)
  2. Cassiechevalier

    Cassiechevalier Registered Users

    Apr 12, 2021
    here’s a picture of Lincoln’s coat
  3. Cassiechevalier

    Cassiechevalier Registered Users

    Apr 12, 2021
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    I can't advise, but please please let his breeder know about these issues, or they will continue to breed these poor dogs with genetic issues x
    I hope you manage to sort it x
    Edp likes this.

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