6 month lab puppy help!

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Lcc, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. Lcc

    Lcc Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2022
    Hi everyone! I have a beautiful lab puppy named Josie who will be 6 months next week. She has been a handful, but it’s what I would consider normal puppy stuff. She is smart and learns quickly. Although she has been testing me lately, which I suspect is her age. I walk her 2x a day for about 30 min each. She plays fetch in the back yard any chance we get. She does puzzle toys such as kong, food dispensing balls, ones that you need to slide and pull. I made a flirt pole. She has a toy rotation and chews. I train her most of the day and take her to a puppy class once a week. Lots of
    Find it games and which hand.

    I feel like I’m doing a lot with her. I also have a 4 year old and a 3 year old and I’m a stay at home mom. Trying to manage a lot, but I feel like I knew what I was getting into.

    my problem is jumping on counters and she cannot settle. I’m constantly trying to catch the calm and have found that if I’m not training place or leave it or whatever, she is getting into mischief like eating her bed. It gets taken away from her if she eats it. Usually she turns toward a baseboard or table chair, which we try to correct. She refuses to nap and therefore I do enforced naps throughout the day. She doesn’t love toys other than playing fetch. I’ve tried tug, stuffed ones (she likes but destroys for the stuffing) rubber ones, squeaky ones and no matter how exciting I try to make them or act with them… nothing. She also won’t chew a bone alone. She wants me to hold it. I need her to do an independent activity for a minute to change a diaper. usually I will tell her place and will need to constantly clicker train her while I get things done.

    any tricks? Also she hurt her paw playing fetch so she is supposed to be resting… well that’s not going great either! Just looking for help trying to settle her as much as a 6 month puppy can be settled! Usually I would just take her outside and throw the ball for awhile but I can’t do that right now. My husband is pretty annoyed and my kids are sometimes afraid of the nippy jumpy puppy, but I know with continued training it will get there eventually.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi there
    Throwing a ball can become obsessive and could hype her up rather than tire her out. Look at games that involve using her nose. Have a look at scent training. The children might enjoy being outside with her helping her find bits of food around the garden like a treasure hunt. Also make sure she has plenty of downtime on her own where she can relax fully and sleep. Does she have a crate to retreat to? Licki mats are useful as the licking is supposed to be calming. Good luck with it all. You have your hands full!
  3. ARW

    ARW Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2021
    Wow! You’re doing great! That’s a lot to handle. I don’t have too much to add. I agree with the op about licki mats and scent training. I started doing scent training with my girl (almost 2) and it’s fun and works her brain. There are many references online that can help you get started. I also wanted to suggest a frozen Kong if you haven’t tried that. I find that it lasts longer and seems to be soothing for my dog. I just mix a little plain yogurt, pb, smooshed up bananas, blueberries - whatever you have - and freeze.

    I have no advice for counter surfing. My last lab was a counter surfer her whole life and we just had to deal with it. I tried a lot of different methods to correct the behavior but nothing really worked. She was wonderful in every other way. My current lab has never put her paws on the counter and will leave food alone on a coffee table. I don’t really know what I’ve done differently except I’ve been really strict with my family about feeding her any scraps or any people food at all.

    Good luck with Josie! It sounds like you’re on the right track.
  4. Lcc

    Lcc Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2022
    thanks for your reply! We do have 2 snuffle mats that I rotate and I hide treats in boxes and roll them in toys. I also throw treats in the yard for her to do some nose work, but outside she usually is set on getting to her run to play ball and could care less about the treats. I’ve tried bringing high value treats outside too, but it’s hit or miss. She does have a crate and I do enforced naps. Usually she is in the crate 6 hours total during the day. I break it up 2 hours at a time so usually 3 times a day. I tried the lick mats, but she ended up trying to eat the mat.
  5. Lcc

    Lcc Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2022
    Thank you so much for the reply. I’m a big fan of the frozen Kong! I give one to her in the morning so I can help my gets get up and at dinner time while we eat. I will try the yogurt and blueberry recipe! Yum!

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