Scared puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Anne-Marie k, May 21, 2022.

  1. Anne-Marie k

    Anne-Marie k Registered Users

    May 21, 2022
    Hi. I have an 8 month old black lab. He is so friendly and loving but seems to be scared of any objects. Like the hairdryer water bags the hairbrush a milk bottle a draw opening. He loves to play with other dogs loves people loves walks loves to play so is generally a well rounded dog. But I don’t know how to stop him being scared of inanimate objects. He has just been for his first groom and I now have a wet dog as they only just managed to give him a shower there was no chance with the dryer. He got scared of a plastic bowl when I took him for a long walk and put water in it for a drink. He pulls away chocking on his lead to get away or hides behind then sofa if the Hoover is on. I’m not sure why he is like this I have had him from 10 weeks have always made noise around him. He is well socialised. Is this normal for a Lab?? Any advice
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hopefully someone will reply with some tips. Personally I would give the groomers a miss. They don’t need to be bathed unless really smelly but that often comes from the bedding or collars. Mine ie 41/2. Never had a bath but loves to swim.
    Anne-Marie k likes this.
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Have a search on here about the second fear phase, some go through it at this time and grow out of it without lasting problems. I agree with @J.D don't bother with a groomer, waste of money for a lab. Meg age 8, has never had one. She swims in a river, tarn or reservoir if needed. Much more fun.
  4. Anne-Marie k

    Anne-Marie k Registered Users

    May 21, 2022
    Thank you only took to the groomers because thought they would be better equipped at getting rid of his under coat as I can’t get near him with a brush as he is scared of that as well.’hoping it is just a faze he will grow out of as he gets a little older x
  5. Max-a-moley

    Max-a-moley Registered Users

    May 18, 2022
    I have a 5 1/2 month lab and I use brushing as a training session. I tell him to sit or stay and repeat the command while giving treats and brushing at the same time. I started with high value treats but am now just down to feeding bits of dry food. Sometimes he gets distracted or extra curious and gets up to see what I'm doing, I just get him to sit and refocus.

    I do a quick bath once a month. A light shampoo and rinse, very quick. Enough to keep the furniture clean and see if there are any fleas. We're still using bits of sausages as treats for baths!
  6. Anne-Marie k

    Anne-Marie k Registered Users

    May 21, 2022
    Thank you will keep trying with him. Sure he will stop being scared at some point.
  7. bharath sivaraman

    bharath sivaraman Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2021
    What worked for us was to use licki mats when being groomed. I would spread his meal over a licki mat and while he licks it, brush him or trim his nails. They start to associate grooming with food quite quickly

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