Itchy and irritable at night - the vet is stumped!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by LaurenB, Sep 10, 2022.

  1. LaurenB

    LaurenB Registered Users

    Dec 15, 2021
    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone may be able to shed some light on something that we (including the vet) can’t quite figure out.

    Kevin is 13 months old. About 3 months ago he started a pattern of behaviour that he’s done almost every night since that has the vet a bit stumped.

    Every evening, after dinner, he’ll start whining and trying to get to the rear of his body. Chasing his tail, chewing his back legs, nibbling anything at the back of him that he can reach. Some nights for 10 mins, some nights for 2 hours on and off. He whines and barks and looks at us humans as if he wants us to help with whatever it is that’s bothering him, and he can't settle.

    His flea and worming treatment is all up to date, there were no changes to his diet, routine or environment at the time it started or since, and we’ve now tried all the allergy based interventions that the vet has suggested, none of which have helped at all. Tried expressing his anal glands, also to no effect. We’re going back again next week but I wondered if anyone here might have had a similar experience or suggestions, because the vet seems a bit unsure what it could be or what to try next.

    He has occasionally done this at other times of the day, but it’s predominantly at night, after he’s had dinner. I’ve only ever seen it when people are home (we’ve got cameras so we check on him when he’s home alone and at this same time of night he’ll just sleep, but start doing it when we get home later). It seems distressing for him but once he’s ‘finished’ doing it for the night he just falls right asleep and seems completely unfazed until the next evening when it starts again. It’s hard to watch, and it’s usually when we’re all trying to wind down and relax so it’s impacting everyone at home. It’s stressful not knowing what he needs or if there’s something going on causing him harm or pain :(

    If anyone has had anything like this happen with their Lab I’d be so grateful for any advice or shared experiences.

    Thanks so much!
  2. Katrin

    Katrin Registered Users

    Jul 21, 2022
    Hi Lauren,

    a very very long shot and not to frighten you or worry you boy was about the same age when he was diagnosed with athritis. Very subtle signs of pain/ discomfort like biting, nibbling at his knees and paws in the evening when the house was quiet and he wasn't distracted etc. and he has had his exercise for the day. Hard time sleeping and settling at night.

    canine athritis management is a vet run non biased, fact and science backed UK website where the experts list subtle signs of discomfort and pain. Might be worth just going thru the checklists there.

    fingers and paws x you get to the cause of all this soon. Wishing you well. K
  3. LaurenB

    LaurenB Registered Users

    Dec 15, 2021
    Katrin thanks so much for this suggestion, and the well wishes, I'll definitely have a look and ask our vet about this. What you're describing does sound a bit similar to what's happening with us. I'm really sorry that your boy has had this experience, and at such a young age :( I hope you've been able to manage it okay!

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