Daily Schedule

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Chardon Dankers, Sep 20, 2022.

  1. Chardon Dankers

    Chardon Dankers Registered Users

    Sep 20, 2022
    Hi All, I have a 15 week old white lab. He is doing well for the most part but my question is.. how do you all handle your day. I take my son to school at 7:30 and come back and walk or play with him. I come home and try to get stuff done around the house but he demands my attention all the time and he sleeps for an hour. I am so exhausted I can barely move by 3 when son gets home. My entire life is about the dog. He wants to play all day & I end up feeding him too many treats to occupy him. I have to literally leave the house to get some peace or I can’t even shower. How can I handle this better??
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Is he crate trained? When they become overstimulated by us trying to keep them entertained, they can become quite horrible. Do some calm quiet training with him (heelwork, sit/stay etc) them pop him to bed for an hour to sleep. They need an awful lot of sleep, but if they don't learn to settle, they just become overstimulated monsters :)
    sarah@forumHQ likes this.
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    I agree with 5labs. You can over-arouse your dog. He has to learn to be calm too. Get him to also do games such as find the scent which require him to use his brain. For example, find a significant portion of his meal. As he gets better, hide it better. Mental stimulation will tire a dog out sooner than physical exercise.
    5labs and sarah@forumHQ like this.

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