Advice, opinion, experience needed!! Please read!!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Iva, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Iva

    Iva Registered Users

    Sep 30, 2022
    Hello everyone,

    I have a 2.5 old female chocolate labrador, not sterilized.
    Last summer she started to itch herself on the right side of the body (ribs/back side) but only a small amount, vet treated it with corticosteroids.
    During winter & her heat she had lot of dandfruff on her body, mosty on her back. Also during winter, december, on her side part of the body (ribs) a hallow appeared (hard to explain, elipse/circle, she started to itch/bite/lick that part during may/june). Was treated with Triderm & corticosteroids again. It's now a small circle, different hair color (orange) & there is also both hallow & maybe a small lump on her/under her skin. It doesnt itch her now.

    Furthermore, there are two places on her back (one above the circle) and on the other side that she constantly itches, bites or licks. Like nervously, like she gets an itching attack sometimes. Sometimes she doesnt itch at all, sometimes often.
    Also, we run tests & all were negative, she was positive only for dermatofits (fungus) & she was on therapy for that but negative now. Still itches tho.
    She also had ear infection, licks her front legs (not just paws) & eats grass.

    Vet thought it was allergies. I dont think so.. She is on Purina hypoallergic food for almost a month & still has problems..

    Any experience? I know its complicated but please read and maybe share some advice or if you had the same problem with your lab.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Sorry to hear she is having problems.
    If you put itchy into the search at the top of the page a few threads will come up to read. Has the lump left under the skin been analysed? Needle aspiration?
    The hypoallergenic dog food won’t rule out allergies. It is much more involved than that. See if you can get a referral to a dermatologist. We managed to rule out food as a problem using an Anallergenic food under supervision then blood allergy tests that were sent off to Holland revealed three groups of allergies. Some grasses some mites including house dust mites and some trees including olive of all things! Hope you manage to find a solution soon. Ask the vet about giving Piriton too. It’s miserable to watch them scratching. Let us know how you get on.

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