Parvo and breeder responsibility.

Discussion in 'Labrador Breeding & Genetics' started by Ballroommom, Jul 10, 2022.

  1. Ballroommom

    Ballroommom Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2018
    Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but any help or direction would be appreciated.

    We picked up our 9 week old lab from an ethical breeder with 35 years of experience Saturday. By the next day he was showing sign of illness. By Wednesday he was diagnosed with Parvo. He is doing well now.

    The breeder has been contacted. Has been helpful and concerned. Has not offered any assistance on the medical expense even though our vet believes it had to have been contracted at the breeders and the breeder was told this.

    Should she offer? Should we ask? Do we have any recourse?

    Thank you.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Are you in the UK ? Just reading the Government dog breeding licence it stipulates dogs should be protected from disease. Have a google then go back and ask your breeder for help with vets fees. If no joy, chat to the council as you might stop other pups getting it.
  3. swissmiss

    swissmiss Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2019
    Thank you for responding. Not in the UK. I value the wisdom of this breeder and hate to cause a divide by asking for some restitution if it’s not a reasonable request. Never dealt with this before ‍♀️. Was hoping some breeders would be here and could enlighten me on what they would expect/do/offer in this case.

    Edited to add he did come with the proper puppy vaccines for Parvo.
  4. Colettedeann

    Colettedeann Registered Users

    Oct 15, 2022
    Chelmsford, UK
    After reading this I am so please that my puppy will be arriving with 5 weeks insurance (including food for a week and other important information specific to the puppy you take home and other bits and bobs) - I thought this was standard practice when selling puppies.

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