Allergies in Labradors

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Kay Hogan, Nov 5, 2022.

  1. Kay Hogan

    Kay Hogan Registered Users

    Nov 5, 2022
    Hi all new to the page but thought I would seek advice through a Labrador site. I have a black female lab who is 5 years old. I have my lab since she was a pup she has always suffered from smelly yeasty ears but quite recently started chewing and scratching her fur a lot! She has always been a shedder but because of these symptoms took her to the vet. Anyway the vet offered and did an allergy test on her and she has come back showing she is allergic to almost everything! Now the vet is suggesting cell therapy but I was wondering if anyone else had gone through this with their pup and what recommendations they had been given TIA
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Have you established that they are environmental allergies or food allergies?
    We went down the route of an anallergenic diet to eliminate food as the issue then blood tests revealed the environmental allergies. Most very difficult to avoid especially things like dust mites. The best treatment available seems to be Cytopoint injections that are taylor made to your dog’s allergies but were going to be over £100 per month. If he was constantly scratching/biting to excess I would reconsider but at the moment he is very settled. Good luck finding a solution.
  3. Don Jarvis

    Don Jarvis Registered Users

    Nov 5, 2023
    My Silver Lab had horrible skin and ear allergies. He would break out with crusty scabs and get bad ear infections. We took him to several dog dermatologists and they put him on antibiotics which eventually did not work. We tried Cytopoint and several other natural cures which did nothing. We were at a total loss until we had a dog sitter who watched him while we were on vacation. When we came back, his skin and hair looked way better. We asked her what she did and she said she washed him and dried him with a hair dryer. We gave it a try and his skin got clear and it has been 6 months since he had any issues. We spent thousands and a $30 hair dryer solved the issue. I also wipe his ears out everyday, especially if he gets wet. We wash him with Chlorhexadine shampoo. I wanted to pass this along to anyone who might be as despondent as we were. We wash him two to three times week but are backing that off since he has went so long without any issues. Also, in case anyone is wondering, he takes NO MEDS now.

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