Labrador puppy over arousal

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Jilly Holliday, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Jilly Holliday

    Jilly Holliday Registered Users

    Nov 27, 2022
    I have 2 7 month yellow lab puppies ( yes I know, what was I thinking). In oh so many ways they are lovely but hard work. One of them has developed particular behaviour problems that make walking a nightmare. Have contacted a behaviourist who says this about her
    “showing high signs of overwhelming frustration resulting in extreme overarousal& high stress located to the external environment, so much that she cannot function or cope with it.”
    Clearly she has a problem but I don’t know how this developed. She used to be so good. I have a programme to follow but it’s time consuming and I’m finding it hard to fit everything in and still manage to run a home, another dog etc etc. Just wondered if anyone has had to deal with anything similar and how you managed/ what you did. Love my girl and would do anything in my power to get this issue sorted. Thank you so much
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello and welcome. Whilst I don't want to minimise what your trainer has said, 7 months is a tricky age. They are a big pup, with no behaviour proofed yet and very excited/overwhelmed with the world. You have the added complexity of having 2, which inevitably creates some reliance on each other in certain situations, therefore probably not helping them as an individual to develop their own strategies to cope. Do you walk them alone and train them alone ? Time consuming, but worth the investment. My dog at 7 months was really tricky, so exhausting to walk. We went to obedience classes and stuck at them . They really paid off, creating a dog calm when in most situations. It took hard work and patience. Good luck.
    Michael A Brooks and NancyB like this.
  3. Nu

    Nu Registered Users

    Jun 20, 2022
    Hi, I have a 7 month old lab (gun dog bred) who is extremely hard work. I also have a 16 month old lab who is completely different being a very gentle, calm dog. I am trying so hard but he just won’t walk on a lead without pulling. He is hyperactive and has cried (for attention) since he arrived! The 2 pups have bonded well but recently the younger one has become dominant and rough in play which is a worry. It is exhausting and I wonder if anyone can give me some advice or recommend a behaviourist/trainer (Liverpool). Thanks
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Have you tried obedience classes. They would be great for you both.

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