Labrador soft poo and anal gland issues!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by sars74, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. sars74

    sars74 Registered Users

    Jan 11, 2023
    our 18 month old lab has been on various kibble/cold pressed. he's currently on Millie's wolfheart utility (fish) he's very good on this- well behaved but his poo is soft and has been for a while, which then gives us issues with anal glands. need a food that keeps poo hard and doesn't irritate him- tried wolfworthy and his behaviour went down hill - he didn't tolerate it well. He'll literally eat any food- but want something reasonably priced good quality that hardens the poo!
    suggestions please
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Millies is a fabulous food. Meg is on it with no problems. Could you change flavour or feed a bit less. Over feeding can cause soft poos. Meg is on Farmers mix with perfect poos. Also with Millies you can chat to a nutitionalist, maybe worth a call.
    sars74 likes this.
  3. sars74

    sars74 Registered Users

    Jan 11, 2023
    hi, as he’s had soft pops he’s on the lowest amount and we’re quite strict on not feeding him extra. He’s now losing weight ( half a kilo) and still soft- always had this issue- vets just say change food add more fibre. Hes on the fish only with Millie’s 50/50 but that’s also low fat so he’s not gaining weight. The various supplements that are meant to help harden poo have done nothing. So he’s just had his anal glands done at the vets- completely full- they’ve said to maybe up his food but split it into 3 meals. Think we’ll try another mix from Millie’s and see how it goes.
  4. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    My lab had many issues with kibble and loose stools. He has also had a leaking anal gland in the past. Following a cancer diagnosis I switched him to raw food. The stools are hard and quite crumbly which is a characteristic of raw fed dogs. No loose stools or leaking glad for the last 2 years. He is now 5. Worth a try.
  5. Gaya

    Gaya Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2016
    Hi, my lab is 7 years old. Has been having diarrhea, very soft poo and increased frequency as well for the past 3 or 4 months. Not at all unusual (much to my annoyance) of needing to go outside at 1am, 2am etc. The vet took blood samples, checked for parasites, everything came back clean. I have been adding pureed pumpkin, psyllium powder, probiotics but nothing seems to work. Just a few days ago I found a lump. Now very worried it could be cancer. She does seem to sleep more, not quite as energetic. Anyone else been through this? Could her diarrhea be caused vey cancer? Have an appointment with the vet tomorrow to have the lump checked out. Your response is much appreciated.
  6. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello, it is impossible to say. Only your vet can advise. Dogs get all sorts of lumps and bumps which are harmless. Also, they can be more sinister. Fingers crossed your vet has some swift answers for you and your dog is on the mend soon.
  7. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    My previous lab had 3 lumps removed over his lifetime. All came back as benign but different and no further treatment was needed. Toby my current lab had a tiny lump on his ear at 18months that was a very aggressive tumour. He is now 51/2 and doing just fine.
    You are doing the right thing not leaving it to chance. Try not to worry and wait for the result. In the meantime consider diet. Mine had problems and I switched him to raw. He has had no problems since.
    Keep us posted.

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