Just had to rehome my lab and I'm devastated.

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by MAMP, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. MAMP

    MAMP Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2023
    We waited years to welcome a furbaby into our home and I had a labrador growing up, so the obvious choice when searching for our dog was to get a lab as they are so loving.

    Last year we got our baby and she is amazing, however I have been suffering with postnatal depression and have found looking after her and my children really difficult and in the last few weeks I just haven't had the motivation to walk her and give her the life I feel she deserves, the whole family has fallen in love with her but everytime I look at her I feel so sorry for her that I'm not training her, walking her and which is then resulting in her becoming bored obviously and chewing the house apart.
    I got a dog walker for her which she loved but was still bouncing when she got home which is expected and I found myself becoming upset and frustrated with the mess of chewed skirting boards, chewed shoes.

    I just couldn't do it anymore I spent all last week in tears fed up of everything and more so upset that I've got this lovely lovely dog and just feeling sorry for her.

    I made the desicion to rehome her through a charity and they were really really lovely, things may get better but I can't see my dog bored, stressed and not living to her full potential.

    We took her to a volunteer and they will find her a vetted home we all broke down.

    I've never ever felt so awful and I wish I knew how I would feel to avoid this.

    When I was feeling OK I put time and effort into training her and walking her and then due to how I'm feeling I've just taken that away from her.

    Please no judgement I've never been in this situation before and I am devastated, I'm just sitting here thinking of her face and all the cuddles she gave but deep down I know I'm not giving her what she needs whilst I'm feeling like this and it's not fair on her.

    Thanks for reading
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi MAMP, welcome to the forum :)

    I think you've made a really brave, difficult choice, motivated by doing what was right for your dog, and that's an amazing thing. It's ok to say that having a dog hasn't worked out right now - sometimes that happens, because none of us can predict the future. And it takes guts and maturity and compassion to deal with it in a way which puts the dog's need first, and you've done that, so please don't beat yourself up.

    Just because this wasn't the right time for a dog, doesn't mean there will never be a right time. Concentrate on yourself and your children for now, and one day in the future there will be a better time, and you'll get to really enjoy it :)

    Take care x
    Edp likes this.
  3. Charles L Bloss Jr

    Charles L Bloss Jr Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2019
    We have a black lab and two cats. We live on 8.5 acres in the country. I am disabled, and therefore cannot do very many things with my dog, until the weather warms up. I cannot stand the cold. My wife grew up here and besides being 11 years younger than myself she has a lot more energy, and spends a lot of time with the pets. They are our children. I can sympathize with you and your decision. I love my dog so much I could never give him up. Since I retired we have always had a lab. That has been 25 years. I worked for 30 years in my chosen profession. Before giving your dog up, did you look into a dog walking service? I would do almost anything before losing my dog, but we have no two legged children. I wish you the best, and you will be in my prayers.
  4. MAMP

    MAMP Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2023
    Thank you for the kind comments,
    I've never felt heartbreak like this I've been crying all day and the Foster have sent me photos of her on walks with there resident lab and she looks happy but I just miss her so so much and knowing I won't get to see her in person and cuddle her is horrible.

    I keep feeling like I didn't do enough for her even though deep deep down I know it just wasn't a right time obviously.

    The whole family has been in tears we would love to just have her home
  5. MavsMutthouse

    MavsMutthouse Registered Users

    May 1, 2023
    West Virginia
    Not sure if you are still following this thread. I hope you are doing better. Just wanted to let you know that I have gotten several dogs that were being re-homed due to life circumstances. You did it the right way and went through a rescue so that she would have a better chance at landing in a safe loving home. I always sent updates to relieve my previous owners minds. I know they felt badly about having to re-home their dog.

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