1 year old lab naughty

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Ballroommom, May 9, 2023.

  1. Ballroommom

    Ballroommom Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2018
    Chocolate lab just turned 1. He has been a dream. We just spent 6 months snowbirding in Florida with him. Thought we had the golden child lol!

    Upon returning home he’s been so naughty. We have only 2 items that he can “steal” and that’s 2 throw rugs - or any dish towel left within reach. Other than that the house is puppy proof.

    Question is he “will” invariably steal the throw rug once a day or more. How do you break this business? He knows leave it but not for something that valuable . I’ve tried it all. It’s frustrating. Are lab puppies really just that hard-headed? Or am I missing something? Third lab - same story each time …….
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    What does he do with it ? I don't think he's naughty just needing it, maybe or comfort when you are out. If he's not destroying them, could you remove everything for a while and leave something out he can claim. Then hopefully he can transfer his affections to that. My lab loves to carry shoes, and always sleeps with her head on one. I think she likes the pongy smell of us. She never destroys them, so it does not bother us. Worth a try maybe ?
    sarah@forumHQ likes this.
  3. Ballroommom

    Ballroommom Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2018
    He snatches it in front of our eyes and runs to the other room with it and starts ripping on it. It takes hubby and I to corner him and retrieve it.

    he’s had his own blankie’s since day 1 and has recently started chewing and eating them . So no he doesn’t have anything to claim. His stuffies he is also chewing/eating. He does have numerous hard chews.

    I guess my dilemma is how many times must he be told no and corrected?? The rug must stay and it’s really the only item he snatches/steals.

    yeah I think it’s naughty lol!
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Maybe you have turned it into a game, with both of you giving him attention. I would be inclined to remove it for a while and work on a solid leave, then bring it back. Preferably for periods when he is tired to start with, so less likely to need the fun of it all. Maybe ?
    sarah@forumHQ likes this.

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