Itchy Chin

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by leolaquitzon, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. leolaquitzon

    leolaquitzon Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2022
    My 3 year old bitch developed a allergy to something about a year ago.Causing her to scratch constantly and bite at her back end. She is on half a Apoquel tablet once a day which only works for a few hours then back to biting and scratching.Vet mentioned Cytopoint injection or Steroids.Cytopoint far to expensive and it would be for the rest of her life.Steroids a definite NoNo. I am desperately trying to change her diet from chicken to fish as chicken is an Allergen.She has always been a very difficult eater so it was chicken or starve.I have managed to get her to eat a small handful of dry dog food but as a rule dog food a complete No No.She is very well in herself ,bright as a button.Can anyone give me advice or has anyone had the same problem? This is getting to be a nightmare and I seem to be going round in circles with Vets.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I have an itchy dog. I have been down the food illumination diet using an Anallergenic dog food. I can’t remember the details but you give nothing but that for a few weeks and if the dog is still scratching on that you know it is not food related. We then did allergy testing which highlighted 3 groups of environmental allergens. All difficult to avoid but at least I knew it wasn’t food. He is now fed a variety of raw food. He gets the occasional Piriton if his eyes are bad. We were also offered Cytopoint at a cost of £100 per month. This would be a last resort but he is settled at the moment. He isn’t allowed Apoquel due to his cancer history and it doesn’t get good reports in some dogs. Hope you find ways around it soon but I know it isn’t easy. Most of this advice came from a dermatologist through his oncologist. Might be worth a try.
    CeeCee likes this.
  3. avensis

    avensis Registered Users

    May 3, 2023
    My dog who is 10 years old has an itch on his back every year at the same time. The vet gave me anti itch cream and wash lotion this morning.


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