18 month old pup - limp

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by maysx3, Sep 2, 2023.

  1. maysx3

    maysx3 Registered Users

    Sep 2, 2023
    My daughter has an incredible 18 month old chocolate lab that is large for his age, ~110lbs. He is not fat, regular vet checks, just a big boy. She has papers on him but I'm a bit doubtful of pure lab obviously. My question is regarding a limp that he has developed in his left rear leg. I can manipulate the leg from hip to foot and he doesn't seem to care. He was initially started on black diamond food then we switched him to Purina pro plan, skin and stomach, as he seemed to have some stomach issues. The only other adage I may offer is that he loves to crawl under things. For example, I built him and the other two labs a "pup shed", wood plank floor off of the ground, four posts and roof, to shade them while they are out during the day. Rather than lying on the platform, he and the younger lab I have essentially tunneled under it and lay in the dirt beneath. I am hoping that it is his crawling under and out of the area that perhaps making him sore, but I am no doubt concerned.

    I do have a vet appointment scheduled for next week to do the joint tests/x-rays. Any insight? "Doc" comes out of the Jedi bloodline. Sheer coincidence, but we had another very large blonde lab a few years ago that was out of the Jedi bloodline as well. My daughter had no clue of this when the purchased Doc.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi there, welcome to the forum :)

    I can't offer any advice but you're doing the right thing taking him to the vet - let us know how it goes!

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