
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by kateincornwall, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    I think that I`ve been far too obsessed with giving Sam lots of free runs to the point that if he hasnt had a really good run , I`ve felt guilty , like I`ve let him down . I was very careful when he was a pup , up until he was around 10 months of age where I slowly built it up to what he has now which is roughly one hour off lead per day plus a shorter onlead walk for about 30 mins .
    As Flynn hasnt been well at all , for the past two days , Sams walks have been much shorter as I was anxious not to leave the little one for too long and its amazed me that Sam is quite happy with this :) It now occurs to me that I have been far too obsessed with trying to do the right thing , in fact it also occured to me that maybe Sam is thinking " Thank goodness for that , time to be a couch potato " :)
  2. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Exercise

    Could well be something in that. I've noticed that Lady is always really keen to head back after her shorter afternoon second walk for the day. If I stop to look at the view she often stands poised with one paw raised pointing towards home and looking at me intently, than if I do turn for home she charges off down the path. ;D
  3. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Exercise

    I think dogs are just so great at going with the flow. If we're walking great! walking more great! going home for a nap great!
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Exercise

    Couldn't agree more. I think people get far too worried about the whole exercise thing and really beat themselves up if they miss a walk because they don't feel well, or if there is a hurricane, or because they just can't fit everything in that day.

    I have known friends that drag themselves out for walks when they are so ill, they should probably be in hospital!

    Dogs like most mammals need a certain amount of cardiovascular exercise to keep them in good health, but it absolutely does not have to be done every day. Three to four times a week of good vigourous exercise will keep a dog fit.

    Of course, it is nice for them to go out every day, but don't feel bad if you can't go.

    That's my view anyway :D :D
  5. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Thats made me feel a whole lot better :) Admit , I have been the idiot going out in foul weather or when really not feeling good , just because I think I should do , going to try and reach a happy medium from now on :)
  6. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    I think we get ourselves tied up in knots with the whole, "must walk the dog" - although I admit it's sometimes a wonderful excuse to get out of the house or reason to leave a very long, boring meetings - must go home and walk the dogs. Very handy!
    But if you're not careful it can rebound, I have a friend who has unintentionally trained her lab not to do anything in the garden, not even a puddle - she has a 50m long garden between door and gate, meaning a very long trip out onto the common multiple times a day regardless of the weather. My girls have their own dog yard so puddles are not a problem, but they have to make do and mend with the exercise regime because I have a smashed up ankle and two dodgy knees, so on days when I can't walk neither do they, fortunately they're few and far between these days, but we might have a week or more of short walks. I am very lucky though living where we do I have a field across the lane that for most of the time I can use; where I can stand in the corner or even sit on the fence and lob dummies into the far corners so they can get their exercise that way. Sometimes it's more their brains that need exercise rather than the legs and I have a wonderful set of intelligence tests toys which can keep them occupied for a good half hour and then exhausted for a while longer.
    So sit on the sofa with a cup of coffee and a nice warm lab whilst watching the rain pour down the windows and don't feel guilty about it!
  7. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Exercise

    After our morning "escape" last week (after a couple of hares) I have found it very difficult on walks, as I have gone to long line walks which I don't really like, but really need at the moment to try and get some form of recall back. I find it (literally) a bit of a drag - I like walks in the woods, which aren't really suitable for the long lead, and love to see Lilly bounding through the long grass, over the heather, and rummaging in the straw piles!
    She's not getting nearly the same amount of exercise on the lead as opposed to off, and I feel more restricted in where I can take her.
    She's doesn't seem in the least bit bothered by the lesser amount of exercise, though we are doing a bit more ball fetching in the garden ( helping the recall too I hope!)
    We did cheat in the woods yesterday - we kept to the bit where the paths were broad for the long lead - but she got off to play with a couple of buddies we hadn't met for a while!
    Its good to hear other people's thoughts on the exercise - sort of stops me feeling guilty I am putting a kybosh on her fun and games :-\
  8. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Exercise

    I feel for you, Jacqui, being dragged about, but imo you are absolutely putting her best interests first, by keeping Lily safe. It's not forever - and it sounds like she's pretty happy with current arrangements.

    We are stuck on short walks here too, as my son is 22 months old (and growing out of his 2-3 yr old clothes!). He can't walk far (and nor can I carry him far, esp as I am expecting again!) but he weighs a ton now so pushing the buggy is really hard work off road. Everywhere that's safe to let dogs off lead, here, is terrifically rutted. The walk becomes a never ending fight with the buggy! As long as she gets lots of garden time, my girl seems very happy though. (She is NOT enjoying this weather, as I don't like leaving her out in a downpour - but neither she nor my son like being indoors for more than a hour at a time!)
  9. Sharon

    Sharon Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Hello, I have been viewing the forum for a little while and have just joined so hello to you all. I am interested in Moorlands comment about intelligence test toys. Can you recommend any please? I have tried a number of toys/puzzles and many are not that durable and weren't' cheap either. My dogs love their Kong wubbas but they can get rather boisterous in their play if they haven't had their walk yet. They excel at scent work and I use this a lot on walks and love watching them quarter but would like a new activity for the home that also exercises the mind.
  10. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Exercise

    Hi Sharon, welcome to the forum. I'm sure Kerryn will be along soon to give you links to the toys she uses. :D
  11. Sharon

    Sharon Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Thanks Pippa, I look forward to hearing what works others. I appreciate much will be dependent on the individual dog. I have a two year old and a nine month old pup. The pup is the main 9culprit, she is so pleased with herself when she gets something and tends to be a little exuberant! ::)
  12. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Hello Sharon and welcome. :)

    Pippa's learnt my routine!

    Delighted to help, I have a set of Nina Ottosson pet activity toys, it says www.Nina-Ottosson.com on one of the boxes but it's a Swedish company so they might not ship direct. They are puzzles that the dogs have to solve so they're for supervised play time, not suitable for dogs left alone. I work one on one with each dog -otherwise they get too excited and the toys end in bits scattered across the floor! We started with the round block one, you hide treats under blocks and the dog has to work out how to lift the blocks to get the treat and moved onto the slider box set. We now have four different ones. There are suggestions with the puzzles as to how best to use them. I got ours from a company called Canine Concepts but they're quite widely available now. I've had them for ages so they're the original wooden ones which are slightly dented by over exuberant teeth but still going strong four to six years playing by three labs and two wolfies. They now make much cheaper versions in plastic but I don't know how robust those are. We also rely on the good old fashioned newspaper parcel in a box but my girls are old paws at that now so we have to make it more difficult by slightly taping up the box or having several boxes of decreasing size inside each other. If I can manage to clear the house we also play 'hide and go find', I've taught my girls the names of some of their toys, they sit in one room whilst I go and hide the toys, they then take it in turns to go and find the specified toy. This can get a bit boisterous!! Especially when they are younger, but sometimes (those times when I can't get them out) it's a price with paying, just make sure all the breakables are put away safely!!

    I'll have a look see if I can find you any links directly to shops selling our toys. In the mean time grab the newspaper and a ball and see what happens! Enjoy.
  13. Sharon

    Sharon Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Hello Kerryn,
    Thank you so much for your reply. I have seen the Nina Ottosson toys but was not sure. I will definitely give them a go. I do love the dogs exuberance as it is great to see such enthusiasm. The dogs do look a little sad when I have to confiscate a broken toy for their own good. To satisfy their chewing urge they have stag bars (antlers) which they will happily chew on. I shall raid the newspaper stores for the wood burner and fashion something for them tomorrow to play with. They love unwrapping Christmas presents. Thanks again.
  14. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    OK, work done for the day, rugby over, time to find you some links!
    This is the one we got first: http://canineconcepts.co.uk/en/inte...dog-smart-by-nina-ottosson-7312133331085.html it's a good starter, and as the dog can use its mouth is good for a labrador and you can use the blocks in some of the others to make them more challenging such as in the dog brick (this one uses feet or noses) - I can't find a wooden one of those. We also have the dog box (not so happy with this one, it's not as easy to set up and it's quite difficult to get the concept across) and tornado. I'm thinking of adding either the twister or turbo next as we're getting very good with the ones we have.
    We also have some of these type of puzzles: http://canineconcepts.co.uk/en/soft-toys/2909-i-qube-puzzle.html
    I hope that gives you a start.
  15. Sharon

    Sharon Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Great thanks for that. They look great; I've just had a look and will order a couple and see how they get on.
    Both dogs fast asleep and content after searching for treats and dummies in the long grass and woods.
  16. Sharon

    Sharon Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2012
    Re: Exercise

    Hello Kerryn,
    I bought some wooden Nina Ottosson games and the dogs love them. Our pup, now 10 months old, is an ace at twister! I have just bought dog worker for Christmas. Thanks again for your help. :D

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