Help! 7 month old chocolate labrador reactive in house/outside

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by DavidG, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. DavidG

    DavidG Registered Users

    Nov 17, 2020
    Hi everyone,

    We have a 7 month old chocolate labrador from working lines called Barney. We have had him since 9 weeks old and by and large he is very good in the house but recently we have noticed he seems very alert in the house almost like he's on edge. He follows us around and barks at the slightest sound either inside or someone walking past outside. I have trained settle on his mat, which he can do but the slightest noise and he jumps up barking.

    I know at this sort of age he is going into his 'teenage' years but is this sort of behaviour to be expected? I would really like to work on this so he can relax more and 'chill' and disengage.

    For info I walk him twice a day, morning and lunchtime. Morning tends to be round local fields mixed with general obedience/retrieving training and lunchtime tends to be around local village/woods. I hand feed at lunchtime playing games. He is still crated and settles very well in there sleeping through the night. He also has his naps in daytime in there but it would be nice if he could be less reactive in house in daytime so he can sleep in his bed wherever we are in house.

    What can I do to help him overcome this? Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Bonniesmum

    Bonniesmum Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2021
    Hi David, I just wanted to say we are in the same boat as you! Our 7 month old female lab started doing this around 2 weeks ago and it has been getting worse by the day, tiny noises inside and outside, I cant even let her in the garden by herself any more, I put a lead on her and go into the garden with lots of treats, she never minded seeing neighbours pass by but now everything is setting her off barking and all the hairs stand up on her back, I have treats in the rooms and when I think she is going to start barking I try and get her to sit or get a teddy out and try and distract her, she seems to be getting more anxious with strangers also, barking growling at anyone who comes to the door, I keep watching youtube videos, I just hope it is something she grows out of, sorry not much advise here, just wanted to say we are in same position, how are you doing with walks, mine pulls like a train no matter what! :)
  3. Liz Pudney

    Liz Pudney Registered Users

    Mar 6, 2021
    Hi Yes I have a 7month old FRL and she also has recently become anxious around strangers, barking at every little noise in and out of the house and the walking on a lead..... oh my goodness pulling fighting to get free! Obsessed with footballs I can’t catch her once she spots one.
    A dog trainer actually said there was something wrong with her the other day, I cried all the way home.
    My husband pressuring me to get her trained and I am really struggling now. Got so many collars leads and harnesses, read every book. I’m so confused by it all now. I growled at her the other day like her mum would and this had an effect she did stop pulling for a while. I don’t want to be horrible to her. Treats work to a degree but she’s not obeying me she’s just getting the treat.
    Bonniesmum likes this.
  4. Bonniesmum

    Bonniesmum Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2021

    Hi Liz, how are you coping since Saturday, maybe it is just an age thing ? my bonnie was great until around 4 months, although she has always pulled on the lead, i am taking her places where there are alot of people with treats to get her to stop barking at people, how is your pup in the home, does she have many good qualities ? I wrote a good and bad points list haha - good points -
    good with my cat
    good with other dogs
    can stay in the house for a few hours on her own and doesnt bark when left alone
    quiet nature, not very hyper
    doesnt chew up anything in the home
    sleeps well throughout the night and naps in the day time also
    never shown aggression to any family members

    bad points -
    pulls on the lead all of the time
    runs off from me if i let her off the lead,,, she used to be called back ok but now doesnt listen
    barks and growls at some strangers
    barks randomly in the house and barks when she sees someone pass the window, also growls and all hairs on back stand up
    hates toddlers, as she is unsure of them, barks and growls at them
    barks when let into back garden, as if protecting it, which is a new thing for her

    hope to hear from you x
  5. Emm B

    Emm B Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2021
    I’m having the same with our 11 month lab, we have hid him almost 5 months so feel he has had time to settle into our family.
    Recently he has started barking at visitors, barking when we eat, barking at shadows.
    I was also wondering if this was just teenage behaviour?
  6. Bonniesmum

    Bonniesmum Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2021
    Hi!! Just seen your comment. I'm working on taking my pup out in public more. Busy places. My pup hates toddlers and kids! Well she is very scared of them. But it comes over as aggressive. How was your pup when you first got him ? How is he with dogs ? X
  7. Emm B

    Emm B Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2021
    he can be hit and miss with other dogs. Majority of the time I can get him to walk past calmly with a treat in my hand and saying what’s this. If the other dog reacts he then reacts and starts lunging/barking. He has met a few doggy friends locally that he’ll quite happily say hello too but recently seems very wary of new dogs.
    I’ve not really tried venturing to many new places whilst he’s unsure of new digs as don’t want to stress him!
  8. Kristy N

    Kristy N Registered Users

    Jul 17, 2021
    Hey I was wondering if you had any lucky moving passed this behaviour? Our 11 month old chocolate lab has shown this fear/ aggression type behaviour regardless of how much we’ve socialized and worked with him. Sometimes there seems to be improvements but then other times it’s like we’ve taken 2 steps backs. Have been told he’ll grow out of this but it’s still concerning.
  9. Annamarie Gebar

    Annamarie Gebar Registered Users

    Jul 4, 2021
    Your pup might be in a second fear period. Mine went through this at 7-8 months. Suddenly became afraid of any sound, dogs barking outside, the moon, ceiling fans and overhead lights, the garbage trucks, it was a nightmare! She grew out of it and I started doing things like - opening the door and letting her watch the garbage truck and tried to act happy and make her realize it was no threat. I treated her when she sat to watch and showed calm behavior. For the moon, I’d point to it and say “moon” in a happy voice and treated her. Tried to show here there was nothing to be afraid of. She’s still a little reactive outside with other dogs and people but it’s because she wants to go say hi, I’m working with a trainer on this and we sit on the front lawn, far from the road, and I treat her when people or dogs go by and she doesn’t react. Every week I’m supposed to get a few in hard closer to the road and it seems to be working. I’m told you have to desensitize them thru exposure and positive experiences.
    Kristy N likes this.
  10. Kristy N

    Kristy N Registered Users

    Jul 17, 2021
    Thank you so much! I’ve been told this by multiple trainers but just wanted to be sure. I will continue working on positive experiences and your suggestions and hope this phase will pass!
  11. Debbi Bewley

    Debbi Bewley Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2022
    Hi all, I have a 23 month old who growls and snaps when meeting new people. She’s good with other dogs but barks and raises her fur with strangers and odd noises. I walk her and try to get her outside her regular environment. The groomer couldn’t trim her nails because she was so anxious and fearful/ aggressive. I am afraid as more time passes she won’t grow out of it. Will private training help? Any ideas are appreciated. Thx
  12. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Hi Debbi,

    This sounds stressful for you, I'm sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this. How long has your dog been with you? Any past bad experiences that might be contributing, do you think?

    It sounds like a 121 session with a specialist canine behaviourist might be helpful. I'll pop a Dogsnet (Pippa's other project) infographic below with some useful links to help you find someone. They should be able to assess her in person, and come up with a personalised management plan for her.

    In the meantime, there's some information on socialising an adult dog here:
    But please do put safety first - as she's snapping and growling, do keep her on a leash and keep your distance from strangers, until you've had that behaviorist session. There are other aspects to the socialising advice that you can try in the meantime, so that you're making a start :)


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