Bird seed fat/suet balls

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Mick787, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Mick787

    Mick787 Registered Users

    Nov 28, 2024
    Hi, I'm not sure if this is in the correct section. Our previous dogs, both prematurely passed a short time between each other because of what we firmly believe was a medically induced digestive problem. As a result of that, I am no doubt over sensitive as to what is eaten by our new lab.
    I fully understand the lab breed may have a much stronger resistance to 'nasty' things than our previous breed of dog. But to what degree?
    Today I have taken him for a walk/run and found him at one point to be starting to eat something that I found was a complete bird seed fat ball. IMO this had been left there by someone rather than being dropped by (very large) bird. Are these things dangerous to dogs? I broke it up and trod it firmly into the muddy ground. In hindsight I should have picked it up and put it in the nearest bin because my lab started then to eat/lick the mud.In the end, I took him away from the area as he was fixated with this patch.
    I cant help wonder if this was a deliberate act by someone as the area is frequented by dog owners. I know this may cause sickness/loose stools, but should I be worried? If this was as I suspect deliberate, then I wont go there again if there is a serious risk to the health of my dog.
  2. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Hi Mick,

    The trouble with bird seed balls is they may be homemade, and so it's pretty impossible to know for sure what's in them.

    As long as your dog remains well, I wouldn't worry - but of course if he does show any signs of feeling unwell, or if you have any concerns, it's best to call his vet.


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