Craniomandibular osteopathy CMO

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Love my lab, Nov 9, 2024.

  1. Love my lab

    Love my lab Registered Users

    Nov 9, 2024
    My 5 month old lab puppy was just given a suspected diagnosis of CMO earlier this week. I rushed him to the emergency vet on Sunday for sudden lethargy/bony lump under his chin. He spent 2 nights in the icu. He presented with a high fever and high white blood count at the vet. His fever came down by Sunday evening with antibiotics and iv fluids. On Monday they xrayed his skull and the radiologist suspects CMO but the results are not “classic” because it’s not presenting bilaterally. Monday evening they did a chest X-ray and found he has pneumonia. They sent out his bloodwork to a specialist and found no overt signs of cancer. I brought my puppy home on Tuesday. He is on medications for the pneumonia and is doing well with recovery. He will have another chest X-ray next Friday to check his progress.
    My bigger issue is the CMO. My puppy can’t undergo further testing (CT scan/biopsy) at this point due to the pneumonia. He can’t be sedated for the tests until his lungs are clear.

    My regular vet has not heard of CMO but he has been researching as have I. (The emergency vet has seen very very few cases and they were very doom and gloom.) We’ve both read the bony growth can continue to grow until the puppy stops growing but then there can be regression. I found an old post on a retriever forum from 2008 where the dog had a good outcome with CMO. This is such a rare disease that I can’t find much information on it.

    Has anyone had this diagnosis? How did you manage it? I need hope!
  2. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Your poor puppy - how horribly worrying for you. First up - amazing job noticing the problem and getting your pup the emergency care he needed - well done!

    I don't have experience of CMO myself, sorry - but I'm sending your pup lots of good vibes - and sending hugs for you too. xx
  3. Love my lab

    Love my lab Registered Users

    Nov 9, 2024
    So update on my precious puppy…good news-he had follow up chest x-rays and the pneumonia is gone from his lungs! We are getting back to our normal routine of walks etc.
    As for the lump on his jawbone…my husband and I think it may have shrunk a little. My regular vet was able to see and measure the lump last week. The vet wants to take a “watch and wait” approach for now. In case the antibiotics are having an effect, we are going to continue them for 2 more weeks and re evaluate. If the lump starts growing, my vet will help me get a second opinion at Ohio State University or Metropolitan Hospital in Akron. (I live in Ohio). My puppy is otherwise doing really well. No pain at the lump, eats and plays normally. You’d never know it’s there-it’s not visible under his chin.
    Thanks for reading!! Again if anyone has experience with CMO, please reach out to me. My puppy could use all the good thoughts and prayers that this resolves itself. He is so so sweet-we love him so much and will do whatever’s necessary to help him.
    Sammie@labforumHQ likes this.
  4. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    That's wonderful news, I'm so pleased to read it!

    Once you've recovered from the shock of diagnosis, do let your puppy's breeder know about this, if you haven't already. CMO is a recessive inherited condition, meaning both his parents must have carried the faulty gene which causes it. It's likely that some of his siblings are now carriers as well. If any of them are going to be used for further breeding, it's important that their owner is aware of their genetic status, and pairs them with a sire/dam who doesn't carry the faulty gene, to protect future puppies and their human parents from going through what you've just been through.

    I hope your puppy continues to recover and heal :)

  5. Love my lab

    Love my lab Registered Users

    Nov 9, 2024
    I’ve been in close contact with the breeder. Both parents were clear for CMO according to genetic testing. Could the parents be carriers even if they were clear on the testing?
  6. Love my lab

    Love my lab Registered Users

    Nov 9, 2024
    Another update on my puppy: we went back to the emergency vet today for X-rays of his jawbone lump (initially suspicious for CMO) and a checkup. My regular vet wanted my puppy seen by an internal medicine specialist at the emergency vet. We got wonderful news today!! The lump is shrinking. It has decreased by 1 cm in both length and width! The internal medicine vet didn’t even think he needed X-rays today as things are moving in a positive direction. Puppy will continue on antibiotics for another 4 weeks so total of 8 weeks on antibiotics in case this could be a bone infection and go back in 4 weeks for another checkup/bloodwork. I just wanted to share our great news! A Christmas miracle for my sweet boy!
    sarah@forumHQ likes this.
  7. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    That's wonderful news! Thank you for keeping us updated :)
  8. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    That's fantastic news - I'm so pleased for you both!
  9. Berna

    Berna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2014
    Yes they could be if the breeder was not completely honest. Have they shown you the test results or just told you they were clear?

    In any case, I am glad to hear the puppy is doing better.
    Sammie@labforumHQ likes this.

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