
Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Joe Sharp, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. Joe Sharp

    Joe Sharp Registered Users

    Jan 23, 2025
    My name is Joe and my wife and I have a 4 year old fox red labrador named Buddy.
    He was house trained in matter of weeks and his basic obedience (sit, stay, recall,wait before eating, take treats gently etc) were pretty much sorted by 12 months.
    However over time he has got a little choosy about his recall. If he’s having fun running around or feels his walk hasn’t been long enough, he comes back in his own time. I’ve bought Pippa’s book and I’ve started with resetting the recall - with special treats and a whistle.
    A couple of queries:
    1 what do I do about other walkers? Should they adopt the new command/recall method?

    2 Any other tips please ?
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Joe and Buddy, welcome to the forum :)

    Dogs don't generalise too well, meaning Buddy won't necessarily understand that what he learns with you also applies with other people who walk him. So you don't need everyone else to follow the same training protocol in order for it to work when Buddy's with you. And if the other people who walk him would also like to hit reset on their recall cue, they should follow the training themselves, from the beginning. He won't mind if more than one trainer is working with him at different stages of the process in the same day or week (he'll be having fun with both of you!) but you should try to train separately, if possible.

    Have fun with it and enjoy the results!

  3. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Hi Joe - welcome! Just to add to Sarah's excellent advice... I would aim to keep your new recall cue a secret, from anyone who doesn't want to follow the 'Total Recall' method through from scratch themselves :D

  4. Berna

    Berna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2014
    I'd start with a long lead.

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