Hi Everyone We have a gorgeous black lab, 11 months old. We now also have a ruined lawn. We have a quote for installation and I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with labradors and artificial lawn. We are mostly concerned about our dog being able to rip it out. The surveyor explained that they have competed installations it in dog rescue centres and kennels. Our intention is to keep a small patch of grass to the side of the garden to leave our dog with some real lawn, especially in the summer when the artificial lawn can be hot. I’d be grateful if anyone could share their experiences. Many thanks Jackie
Hi Jackie, Sorry to hear your lawn hasn't survived your Lab Is it a digging issue, or where your pup has been peeing and pooping? My inlaws put a supplement on their lawn where their dog pees which they think helps the grass to keep growing, I'm happy to ask them for the brand if it's something you'd like to try! If it's digging that's the issue this article might be of some help: https://www.thelabradorsite.com/stop-my-dog-digging/ I've not got an artificial lawn myself but i'd be worried about keeping it clean? Hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon!