hi. i am new to forum. how can i stop my 23weeks puppy wanting to meet and greet everyone. wonderful girl otherwise
Re: my choc lab saphy i have no advice for you, just want to say and welcome, from me and jasper 11 month old
Re: my choc lab saphy Hi, welcome from me Helen, Hattie 6 years and our rescue Charlie 3 years. You could buy Pippas Total Recall which goes through lots of exercises in calling your do away from all kinds of situations and it includes away from dogs too. Have fun on the forum.
Re: my choc lab saphy thanks helen. will look for the book. thank you for getting back. kind regards did
Re: my choc lab saphy Hello to you and Saphy, from me and Charlie, 9.5 months. Do you mean when you are out and about on a lead? I made Charlie sit (I had first clicker trained his sit), and rewarded him for staying put. First very high value treats, then fading those out. Now we're fine with people. Still have to watch it with other dogs though but we're much, much better. In the house, with the same rewards for quiet sit thing, I've got as far as having him sit quietly while I answer the door - unless it's my Dad or my best friend who make a huge fuss of him and he goes nuts. Oh, or the dog walker because she means walkies. We haven't cracked that one quite yet either. On second thoughts, maybe someone else will give you a better answer, I'm not doing so good! ;D ;D ;D