
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Karen, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    I've mentioned Poppy a lot in my posts, and have posted a photo of Billy on the Rainbow Bridge, so thought maybe some of you would like to 'meet' Bones (real name Bonaparte) too. He is such a lovely old boy, so gentle and long-suffering with Madam Mischief (aka Poppy).


    He was a therapy dog until just recently; here is a photo of one of his last visits. It got to be too tiring for him as he got older, but he still stops and greets old people in a friendly fashion whenever he sees any!


    He has to have a rotten tooth extracted next week - fingers crossed all goes well...
  2. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Bones

    He's lovely.
    Maia (aged 12) had to have a molar extracted earlier this year. She was a bit wobbly for day or so but was fine and really enjoyed the mushy cooked chicken and rice!
    Fingers crossed for Bones.
  3. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Bones

    Ah bless him what a sweetheart :)
  4. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Bones

    oh he does look adorable :D
  5. Lynda

    Lynda Registered Users

    Nov 3, 2012
    Re: Bones

    Love the photo of Bones doing his therapy work. How did that work out for you? Monty and I have plans to do the same sort of thing once I am not working. I'd love to hear more about it from someone like yourself who has done it. Did Bones need training ...or was he just a natural? Will Poppy become a therapy dog?

  6. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Bones

    Hi Lynda, I was lucky with Bones and the therapy work, as he just kind of fell into it... He wouldnt have been good at it when he was very young, as he was too boisterous and lively. But as he got older, a friend of mine who is an occupational therapist kept telling me he would be perfect to visit old people, as he is a calm, kind, and very good-natured dog. Eventually I took him to take the character test, which he passed with flying colours, and from then on my friend used to take him with her to the old people's home twice a week. She said it was fantastic having him there, and she had wonderful results, getting through to patients who otherwise were very introverted and refused to speak. He was very popular with the residents, and was an exemplary character there.

    Bones did this work for several years, and he really seemed happy and proud doing it. He knew it was his 'job', and while it did make him tired, he seemed very buouyed up by it. Each time when I picked him up from the old people's home, he was excited and seemed as though he wanted to tell me what he had been doing...

    Finally earlier this year we noticed that it was really starting to get to be too much for him. He was really exhausted when he came home, and my friend said that, while he was still friendly to the elderly patients and happy to see them, he didnt seem to exhibit the joyful feelings that he had earlier. So we decided it was time for his 'retirement'. It was a very sad day the last time he visited, with lots of tears from the residents. But I really believe he brought a lot of happiness to the patients he visited.

    Somehow I dont think Poppy is going to be a pet therapy dog... She is of working stock, and her focus is very much on searching and retrieving work with her dummy... :) But we shall see. I think the main thing is to work out what sort of character your dog has, and to go from there, not to try to force them into a role, but rather to use their natural attributes in a suitable way. And I am convinced that dogs love having a job to do, it keeps their brains occupied and makes them feel useful - and even proud, if that is not too anthropomorphic!

    Good luck with Monty! If he is a calm, friendly dog then this may be a perfect job for him, and I am sure you will get a lot out of it too. Let us know how you get on!

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