Does your dog prefer other people then you?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Newpuppymom, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013
    Ok i raised my dog (black lab) from 9 and a half weeks to 9 monthes. Everything was great till he hit about 7 monthes.

    Then he started going over to sleep at a friends every weekend. He would spend the weekend there as we were painting and the fumes were making him ill.

    Well from that moment on i didnt exist when ever she was in the room. He only had eyes for her.

    Well i ended up rehoming him to her as he seemed to prefer her.He was about 10 monthes old at this point.

    I thought up until last week as this was about 2 monthes ago that it was because he didnt see her as often and he was just excited by the new person.

    But even going on walks with her and the dog together he ignores me in favour of her and he sees me about once a week.

    This to be honest hasd put me off labs as i wanted a loyal dog. Loyal to me not my friends or complete strangers!

    Is this a lab thing and/or is this what your dog is like?
  2. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    oh dear i cant give you any answers......i can say my lab only as eyes for me even though my son as shared him with me in our home from being 8 week old ,....he is very loyal, faithful , giddy, loving, playful, extremely the best temperament you could wish for, being a first time dog owner, i know have made the right choice in the breed i chose :)
    could t imagine life without him, lab 12 month old :)
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    I may be a little cynical here......but I think Lilly favours those who have the best food/treats and who is the most fun-loving.
    I guess she picks up a lot on moods too as she hates raised voices.....not that she is ever shouted at (kids maybe ::) )
    Right at the beginning of our training we were told that we needed to be THE MOST interesting thing in our dog's life. I don't find this easy as I think I am quite a quiet boring peraon really :(
    So I know this probably doesn't help......but maybe your lab just found your friend more interesting somehow???
    That sounds a little critical and possibly offensive, but hope you don't find it so as I am trying to put it in the context of your question.
    I'm really sorry for you having this problem though. I can relate to it however - although I love Lilly to bits I feel she is a pretty independent and almost distant dog. Not a cuddly up on the couch girl. Difficult to tell if that is just her or whether we have made her that way.
    This probably doesn't help.
    I guess doggy loyalty needs to be worked at and nurtured just like any relationship.
    Hope you are okay.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    This is very true. I agree with the things that Jac has said.

    It must have been very hard to give up your dog, but I admire you for doing what seemed to make your dog the happiest.
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    I am so sorry you felt you had to rehome your dog and I hope he is happy with his new owner. It takes a lot of strength to do this and I really hope you are OK. Please take care of yourself. xx
  6. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    I did everything for and with him though.

    I fed him, walked him, played with hjim, did training with him. My OH wasnt interested in him at all. And out the two of us he prefered me. He was very close to me up until about 7 month old. Then he just wanted her. Everytime she came into the house he screamed the place down till she pet him.

    She is alot more lax with rules then me and lets him jump up. I was rather strict with rules with him. No jumping up, No bombing about the house, no pulling on the lead etc but she would let him do that sorta stuff.
  7. TeamGSP

    TeamGSP Registered Users

    Dec 9, 2013
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    [quote author=Newpuppymom link=topic=3777.msg42974#msg42974 date=1387981633]
    I did everything for and with him though.

    I fed him, walked him, played with hjim, did training with him. My OH wasnt interested in him at all. And out the two of us he prefered me. He was very close to me up until about 7 month old. Then he just wanted her. Everytime she came into the house he screamed the place down till she pet him.

    She is alot more lax with rules then me and lets him jump up. I was rather strict with rules with him. No jumping up, No bombing about the house, no pulling on the lead etc but she would let him do that sorta stuff.

    I'm sure it's hard for you after all your work but I have found most animals to be very fickle. We will never truly understand them. They don't feel love like we like to think that they do. They need food, water, shelter and being let out to run. They love spending time with their owner and family and it's incredibly hard not to put human attributes and emotions onto your dog.

    Hopefully you and your next dog will bond and you will find another companion.
  8. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    Are you sure he really liked her more than you? My one Lab adored certain people, would do as you described your Lab doing, screaming with joy, wagging his tail, all over them (and yet he was frightened of strange people), but if they took him off, he always looked back for me. Drift remembered his breeder and is extactic (sp!!) when he sees her which is once a year; Rourke who was bred by the same breeder just doesn't recognise her at all!
  9. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    Well i thought it was because he saw her less often and i was there all the while. But toward the end she could take him off me on a walk and he wouldnt look back. If we go on a walk he doesnt even look at me but constantly watches her.

    Now i dont see him less often o you would of thought he would get more excited but nope. Still pays more attention to her
  10. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    Hi newpuppymom

    I'm doing a double reply as you posted on a thread I started in behaviour on making my OH boring. ::)

    If you are happy with your decision of giving your friend the dog then you have definitely done the right thing, especially if your OH wasn't happy with the dog. It could've caused major problems and the main thing is the happiness and well being of the dog.

    I do think it's quite unusual for a dog to change allegiance. All of my extended families dogs and friends dogs race to greet me because I make a big fuss of them, I play with them and I usually have treats. They won't take a lot of notice of their owners if I'm there. Not to begin with anyway. I'm just a fun alternative at that moment in time . All though if necessary I will put my foot down with them I don't need to expect good behaviour etc they aren't my dogs. Your friend may find she needs to change how she interacts with the dog now it's with her.

    When your friend wasnt there how was the dog with you then? I doubt it was unhappy. Also it's quite common for a dog to bond with one owner more. In your case you not your OH.

    I'm sorry you've had this experience I've never come across it before. As I said if your happy then you've done the right thing. If not discuss it with your OH and friend and try again.

    Good luck

  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    NPM - In your other post, you said:

    [quote author=Newpuppymom link=topic=3533.msg43259#msg43259 date=1388232011]
    Anyway labradors just are not the right dog for us. Too big, too much shedding and too high energy. My OH didnt bond with him at all and with the mess, constant rowing. My bad i know.
    Wrong breed, wrong personality, wrong size dog.

    And I remember earlier posts when you referred to arguments about the dog with your OH (over toilet training, I think). Maybe all of this just created a stressed, tense, atmosphere around the dog, and he found it unpleasant? Even if you didn't realise it, you might have been stressed when dealing with him.
  12. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Does your dog prefer other people then you?

    Labradors can be very sensitive creatures and so yes , he will have definately have picked up on the arguements and stresses at home . My lad hates it if voices are raised , even when not directed at him so I can imagine that this hasnt helped if your OH found it too hard to have him around , I`m sure that you did the right thing by him .

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