The hour

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by kateincornwall, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    I always said we could set the clock by Sam , times for walks and food mainly but since turning back the clock , he thinks getting up time is 6 a.m. breakfast at 6.30 and a walk at 7.30 , then later in the day he expects his dinner at 3 :) Anyone else having " fun " getting their dogs to adapt to the time change ?
  2. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: The hour

    Oh yes! I was quite enjoying the lie in provided by the dark mornings! The Barney alarm goes off very early in the Summer and the first year I had him I thought he was learning to go longer but then realised my mistake as Summer rolled around again. Recently he'd been going off at 6.50am - sheer luxury! Sunday morning he woke us all at 5.50 - yuk! Today was worse though. Generally I ignore him the first time he goes off and appear downstairs about half an hour later. This morning he went off and I decided to get up to answer the call of nature. Unfortunately I had forgotten to put the bathroom clock back. Still sleepy, cursing that I'd slept in I went down let them all out for a pee and gave them breakfast before I noticed it was 5.15am not 6.15!

    Yesterday also I started to get the head on knee, being nudged it's tea time an hour early too of course. I generally split the difference for a week to ease them into the new routine.
  3. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: The hour

    My girl is not a morning dog so no probs with anything like a morning alarm. She was still dead to the world at 8 o'clock (ie 9 o'clock her time). But then in the evening I was sitting with a cup of tea reading the paper at 7 o'clock when I became aware of this intense labrador stare plus groans! Of course it was an hour later as far as she was concerned and SHE HAD NOT BEEN FED!

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