Home needed for Young Lab with Behavioural Problems

Discussion in 'Labrador Rescue' started by tomarnott, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. tomarnott

    tomarnott Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2014
    I am trying to help a local rescue find a home for a young Lab with behavioural issues.

    I have been walking the dog regularly for several weeks. The rescue say that he is unpredictable, but I have to say that I find him very predictable. Anything coming towards him and he becomes aggressive. He is particularly aggressive towards other dogs and horses, but has shown aggression towards people and traffic. With people and traffic, if they are on the other side of a road, he shows interest, but does not get particularly worked up: whereas if they are coming directly towards him he will try to lunge. Dogs and horses coming towards him and even from some distance away, his hackles rise ready to go into attack mode. Following people and other animals he shows interest, but does not seem to want to chase and traffic passing from behind does not really raise interest.

    He is currently in rescue, but it would be possible to get a behavioural assessment done and assuming his problems were deemed to be suitable for rehabilitation a behavioural programme would be developed.

    At the moment the dog is between a rock and a hard place: very difficult, if not, impossible to rehome with his current behaviour and unlikely to achieve improvement while in rescue.

    Anyone out there who could love and demonstrate the skill and patience to turn this dog's life around? If anyone can offer help I would need to have approval to pass details to the rescue.
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Home needed for Young Lab with Behavioural Problems

    I'm not in a position to help .....and it is not useful me writing that I know but it breaks my heart reading a story like this....In the right hands I bet he would have been a lovely dog....and here's hoping that he can still be....if a wonderful person can come forward to help him.
    Good luck and my sincerest best wishes,you sound pretty wonderful for giving him the time,patience and consideration that you have already
    Angela x
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Home needed for Young Lab with Behavioural Problems

    Hi Tom, and welcome to the forum.

    I can see that this is a very worthy cause. However, I would like to try an avoid a situation developing where people use this forum for advertising dogs, whether free or for sale. For that reason, it is currently against the forum rules to advertise dogs, including rescue dogs for rehoming, on this site. With the exception of rescue dogs posted by the society in question

    I am going to leave this post up, on this occasion, but perhaps you would be kind enough Tom, to name the rescue society in question so that members can contact them directly.

    Many thanks, Pippa
  4. tomarnott

    tomarnott Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2014
    Re: Home needed for Young Lab with Behavioural Problems

    Hi Pippa

    Sorry that my first post has offended the rules. I tried this because I read an article recently about a Rottweiller brought into a pound with serious fear aggression had been accepted into rescue and through a breed forum had been offered a home with people who had the experience and patience to spend whatever time was necessary to rehabilitate the dog. Unfortunately this case had a sad ending: because of the abuse and lack of care the dog had already experienced it died before it could get into its new home. I would have offered the Lab a home, but I already have two dogs and I also have a young grandchild who visits regularly. Not the environment for a dog with problems.

    I certainly was not advertising the dog: simply putting out feelers to see if there was someone interested. If there had been the rescue would need to arrange a homecheck and would want to satisfy themselves that there was evidence of the experience required.

    I will be visiting the rescue to walk the dog tomorrow and will discuss this post with them whether they would like the post to stand with their name included. Will update tomorrow.
  5. tomarnott

    tomarnott Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2014
    Re: Home needed for Young Lab with Behavioural Problems

    This post can be closed. The rescue does not wish to be contacted.

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