Good food - bad food test

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by David, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Following on from yesterday's exchanges on "Labrador off her food - shock horror" I've just carried out a simple experiment that seems pretty conclusive to me. I've got a suspect new bag of Burns Alert that Lady refused to eat with a best before date of December 2014, and I've just been out to buy a stop gap supply of kibble to tide me over until the replacement Burns Alert arrives in the post. I bought a 2kg bag of Skinners Field and Trial with a best before date of September 2014. So I've just carried out a simple test.

    It was just possible that the dregs of the previous Alert had gone off and I'd put these on top of the new stuff in the food bin, so I shoveled about two thirds of the Burns back into the bag so I was well down to unadulterated food.

    Took a handful of the suspect Burns Alert and smelt it. Slightly musty but not really nasty. Put it in a neat pile on the floor.

    Took a similar handful of the new stuff (Skinners Field & Trial). Smelt significantly more palatable (but resisted temptation to try it). Put it about a foot away from the Burns on the floor.

    Released the dog with the command "find".

    She quickly found both piles and wolfed down the Skinners, but just nosed the Burns and left it. Went away and came back to the Burns then went away again and came back this time she took some into her mouth, bit the kibble and then spat it out.

    Then I showed her the whole open bag of the suspect Burns. No interest.

    Showed her the open bag of the Skinners and had the devils own job in getting her head out of it.

    So I think that's pretty conclusive. One bag of bad kibbles on it's way back to the shop if I can muster the energy. I can only conclude it's been badly stored and the damp has got into it - hence the musty smell.
  2. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    I'd certainly trust the Lab test 100%
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    They dont call them Sniffer Dogs for no good reason do they ? ;D ;D
    or maybe Lady just fancied a change to Skinners , good choice Sam and Millie have that :)
  4. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    This did make me chuckle, David, read in conjunction with your other thread.

    Shall I confess that I have some really serious, important stuff I should be getting on with, and so far today I can tell you that Theakston polishes off a dentastix in 21 seconds??? Tomorrow morning I should be able to tell you his time for a frozen dentastix...

    And I would trust Lady's discerning appetite every time. :D
  5. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    My old lab would go off food when it got near the bottom of a bag so I stopped buying the 15kg sacks.

    My cousins dog does the same.

    Scott and scout of course get through a bag a lot quicker so I've not had that problem yet. ;D

    Your doing the frozen dentastix experiment Clare. Forgot to buy some when I went shopping at weekend so I've not been able to. Let me know how you get on. ;D
  6. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    [quote author=MadMudMob link=topic=3924.msg45207#msg45207 date=1389096969]
    I'd certainly trust the Lab test 100%

    You'd need to get the cat scan just to be sure, though…
  7. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    [quote author=Jen link=topic=3924.msg45220#msg45220 date=1389100540]

    Your doing the frozen dentastix experiment Clare. Forgot to buy some when I went shopping at weekend so I've not been able to. Let me know how you get on. ;D

    Couldn't resist trying it out. Although I'm also going with Jacqui's excellent suggestion of stuffing and freezing the hedgehog chews, not least because it will be easier to keep a supply ready rather than remembering to refill & freeze kongs quite so regularly!
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    [quote author=ClareJ link=topic=3924.msg45228#msg45228 date=1389104699]
    Jacqui's excellent suggestion of stuffing and freezing the hedgehog chews

    Oooo - missed that. That is a good idea.
  9. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    Hedgehog chews? .... do tell, am intrigued
  10. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    Amy has been spoilt over Christmas with extra bits and pieces in her dinner. So funny the way she looks up when its just plain old kibble.
  11. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    This is the link for the hedgehog chews...

    [/ much rawhide I want mine chewing... Clare
  12. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    Brilliant - thanks very much :)
  13. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Good food - bad food test

    Just received a fresh consignment of the Burns Alert direct from Burns. In-house "Lab" test passed with flying colours! Woofed a handful up like it was the last kibble on earth. Smells quite different from the other Burns so there you go.

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