Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Mark, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Mark

    Mark Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2013
    We have had Poppy for 1 year and 1 week and she is now 14 1/2 months old.

    Poppy had here first season in September and had a bad time with it and then has been having a Phantom pregnancy which has been interesting :)
    A previous thread:

    We dropped her off this morning at 09:15, the vet asked lots of questions about her phantom pregnancy and health etc, I think they where a bit wary which is a worry.

    I am worried and my wife is worse than me, looking forward to getting Poppy back !

    A few photos from last week, poppy playing with a hard boiled egg, she can make this last for ages until she breaks it.






    Her appearance can change from an old dog to puppy again in an instant !

    Cant wait to have our baby back.
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    She is beautiful :) Try not to worry, your vet will take great care of her and was asking lots of questions to make sure he had all the information he needs. He would not go ahead with a routine spay if there were any problems or significant risk.
  3. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    [quote author=Mark link=topic=3947.msg45567#msg45567 date=1389270964]

    Her appearance can change from an old dog to puppy again in an instant !

    Cant wait to have our baby back.

    And your fabulous photos really capture those changes in moods - from all grown up through to puppy face!

    She'll be home again very soon, and you'll be left trying to convince her she should be taking it easy... Hope everything goes well,
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    As Pippa says , try not to worry , my little rescue girl was spayed last week so I know just what you feel , its horrible but she will soon be back, and if anything like mine, will very soon be back to high jinks again :) My girl also suffered a phantom , it is distressing to see , that thought carried me through the first day, knowing she wouldnt ever have to suffer one again , take care and let us know when she is home again
  5. Alice

    Alice Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Love the photos. Poppy will soon be home and in no time at all you will be struggling to keep her quiet as she heals.
  6. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Lovely photo's my Poppy was spayed in Nov and she is fine now I spent a whole day worrying too, im sure Poppy will be fine and yes you will have fun keeping her quiet for a few days, love the boiled egg idea will try that with my Poppy.
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    My Poppy (all good things come in threes ;) ) has not been spayed; if we do decide to have her spayed I just know I'll be a nervous wreck too, so I understand. But I am sure it will all go well, and she'll be back playing with eggs again soon!
  8. Mark

    Mark Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Thanks for the support everyone :) I am sat here waiting for the phone to ring while working and answering some emails and looking at Poppy photos.

    [quote author=kateincornwall link=topic=3947.msg45571#msg45571 date=1389272156]
    My girl also suffered a phantom , it is distressing to see , that thought carried me through the first day, knowing she wouldnt ever have to suffer one again , take care and let us know when she is home again

    I am the same, don't want another season or phantom pregnancy or any of the other problems non spayed can suffer with and we would not want to breed from her as we would not trust any one else with her/our little puppies.

    A few more pictures of poppy and her Phantom habits, lots of sleeping, very loving, moody, digging dens and taking her toys in the den.

    We have a pair of fibreglass sheep in the garden (impulse buy.....) that we have had for years, they are now out of the way against a fence as Poppy would run into them while playing ball games.

    She decided to dig a den under the Sheep:



    Hard to see her but she is in there with a her favourite toy which is a tennis ball, all the tennis balls we have where found in the den one afternoon:

    The sheep is precariously balanced on 3 legs and she left just enough soil for one of its back legs.



    In the Den with a sheep above her that looks like it will fall over but it had been balanced like that for weeks as she fine tuned the den digging.



    Taking a soft toy in the garden every time we go out, she cant ever go for a wee without taking a soft toy with her:



    Snuggled up with her three 'puppies' in her plastic bed in the kitchen.



    We work from home and Poppy has a day bed in the upstairs home office, white 'puppy' is taken upstairs most days to the office bed:



    You can see the size of her nipples in this, (that sounds so wrong.. :-[ ) like she has had puppies.

  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Mark she is absolutely beautiful and obviously very,very loved.I have a yellow boy and he has been neutered,it's horrible when you don't have then around the house,Dexter also had an overnight at the vet for another op and it was the longest night ever....
    Dex is our first dog and I don't know anything about bitches but all the info I read on here tells me you've done the kindest and most responsible thing for your gorgeous girl.I understand she will have a slow couple of days....then you will have to remind her ::) that she needs a few more slow days....and then she will never look back.
    Let us know how she is when she comes home and hope you and your wife have been ok today
    Bfn angela x
  10. Tillydyes

    Tillydyes Registered Users

    Jun 25, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    You where lucky you caught the Phantom Pregnancy on, I didn't with my first dog and she had a terrible time with infected mammary glands and took 3 months of antibiotics to sort out.

    I'm keeping an eye on my pup now who is in the middle of her heat cycle and I'm having more trouble with other dogs than with her. She is safe but they are hell bent on getting into my back garden.

    Nice photo's, you can post as many of those as you like ;)
  11. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Beautiful photos of a beautiful girl , the phantoms can be just awful . Millie had loads of milk and tried to " feed " toys , we ended up having to remove all toys for the duration . It will soon all be a dim and distant memory Mark , and no more distress for her either .
  12. Mark

    Mark Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Thanks for the kind words :)

    The nurse from the vets has just phoned and Poppy is doing OK but groggy from the anaesthetic and we can pick her up in two hours Who Hoo ! :)

    More pictures tonight :)
  13. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Great news , so pleased for you :)
  14. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Fabulous - you'll be so pleased to get her back and she'll be so pleased to be back too.

    I am very impressed at the precise way she engineered that den to ensure that both she and the sheep survived!!
  15. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Gorgeous pictures, glad she's homeward bound :D
  16. Mark

    Mark Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2013
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Poppy is home :)

    At the Vets she was not pleased to see us, no eye contact, not even a Waggy tail as too sleepy and was almost asleep stood up and she is probably cross with us for taking her to the vets again.

    A very slow walk to the car, I helped Poppy into the car and Poppy was asleep in the foot well on the way home.

    I made a fuss of her as soon as we were home and I did get a bit of waggy tail for a few seconds before she flopped onto her favourite rug near the back door.

    My wife is much less stressed now :)

    Poppy was a bit cold and shivery near the back door and could not be encouraged to walk to her bed so she has been carried to bed and tucked in under a blanket and is all cosy.
    A new Ikea blanket today for poppy, it wont stay white for long.


    Poppy's bed is directly opposite the oven and I have just put a chicken in the oven to see if the lovely smell of rosemary chicken tempts her to eat later when the chicken is ready.
  17. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Its such a relief when they are home; she will still be under the effects of the anaesthetic, but tomorrow she should be fine :)
  18. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Aww bless Poppy she looks as snug as a bug in her lovely bed. Get better soon Poppy and have a lovely sleep :)
  19. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    Sweet girl , she will be much more alert tomorrow Mark I`m sure . Millie did eat some boiled fish ( her favourite food ) on the first evening and managed to stagger out for a wee , we just kept her out of drafts and warm but not too hot . By day two, Millie was walking normally and eating us out of house and home too , each day sees a little improvement , Poppy will soon be feeling much better bless her .
  20. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Dropped Poppy off at the Vets to be Spayed - what a worrying day

    She is lovely - those pics are great!! Glad she's home now, I'm sure she'll be recovered in no time flat!

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