Re: The pupmobile I also think they teach humility Julie , well done to Charlie ( and you of course )
Re: The pupmobile WE DID IT. We did it, we did it! We walked through the woods, with our dog on lead, like normal people! hahahahahaha! Having a NORMAL walk. Through the common woods. Like you do on a Saturday afternoon. For a bit, OH and I even had a conversation instead of making sure Charlie wasn't doing something he shouldn't be, and the dog walked along like a normal dog.
Re: The pupmobile Well I do believe that a pattern is emerging here. We now have multiple instances of normal walking You have yourself and all your hard work to thank for that. Great stuff!
Re: The pupmobile Um. We still keep asking each other whether he seems ok though...still can't shake off the feeling he might be ill - all this normality! It's just not normal... He's just ripped up OH's new deck shoes though, so that made us feel a bit better. Well, me, anyway. OH wasn't too impressed. ;D ;D ;D
Re: The pupmobile I think I can declare us now capable of walking normally! Hurrah! Not perfect, but I think we are about average now for a 13 month old labrador (in amateur hands). We walked through a busy Fowey, and waited outside the butcher's and chemist, and there were loads and loads of other dogs...and we were ok. Not amazing, we had a little tugging, and a few bouts of forgetting to behave, but really ok. We'd completely fall apart if we tried to walk along a beach with off lead dogs etc...but we're ready to start working on things like that now. Thanks for all the help and support through this!
Re: The pupmobile Aww well done Charlie you are a good boy . You will get there Julie with your usual hard work xx
Re: The pupmobile Woohoo so glad Charlie is well and truly on the mend and that his lead walkng is getting there
Re: The pupmobile You are definately coming out the other side now with a lovely Spring ahead of you x
Re: The pupmobile Thanks, Angela. We definitely are emerging, for sure. Still on lead (consensus is that although some sensible dogs could be having "a quiet few minutes" off lead on each walk by now, Charlie doesn't qualify as "sensible" so everyone wants to wait for 16 weeks). And still some restrictions in the house (no stairs, and doors closed between rooms so impromptu mad hoolie run rounds are limited by the available space). But, he can have a few toys now, and hop on and off the sofa, and we can pretty much do as much lead walking as we want (although we might go out 4 or 5, or even 6, times, we still keep each walk to about 30 minutes). It's made a big difference to him, he is altogether calmer, and more relaxed generally.
Re: The pupmobile So glad to hear you're in the West and getting back to normal (slowly and carefully m'boy!) x