picking up runny poo?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by blackjack, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. blackjack

    blackjack Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2013

    i was out with jack today and using the stop start anti pulling technique when he backed himself up into a hedge and did a runny poop, i decided i couldnt pick it up because of its consistency and location(spikey hedge)
    However another dog walker went passed and shouted at me that they would report me for not picking up. She wasnt close enough to see what he had or hadnt done but saw him go into the hedge. I went back to find it to see if there were any bits solid enough to pick up but couldnt find any. I dont want to not take him out, as some days hes runny other days hes not!

    So if it was you/your dog would you have picked it up somehow? or said something to the shouter?
  2. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    My mother-in-law had a dog with a delicate digestion, shall we say, and she always lined her poo bags with multiple layers of kitchen roll before leaving the house...
  3. blackjack

    blackjack Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2013
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    ah good idea, thank you i guess ill be adding kitchen roll to the bag of stuff already needed when out then!
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    Oh sympathies.....I've had my challenges with this ....when Dexter was consistently runny when he first arrived in Dubai part of my 'scooper kit ' was a 500 ml bottle of water and a few sheets of kitchen roll....I used to get what I could and sluice the rest away.....if I'm honest :-[ never my finest clean ups but always the best intentions ....and the best effort made.
    Never having owned a dog in England,I didn't know you got heckled :eek: Mind you,I'm so naive, I just assume everybody picks up,hence no need for heckling...
    Blackjack.....do your best....if it's really runny,I would say put some tissue on it,pick up the tissue up containing the best you can get and bag it (satisfies onlookers) sluice down with water.......and will the great British climate not do the rest?
    It might not be perfect but you are being responsible doing the best you can......I think.....am I advising bad? :-[ ? Can't see there's much more you can do!sorry you got shouted at,it's upsetting enough when your dog has an upset tum.has he eaten something?i find 24 hours of very soft boiled plain rice sorts dexter out if it's just something that's been scoffed and not a bug x
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    I believe all dog poo should be picked up no matter what the consistency, difficult I know when it's runny :eek:. People in our village are absolutely disgusting allowing their dogs to foul the pavement that leads to our local primary school and guess whose children always stepped in it ::). About 10 years ago I collected a carrier bag of poo from around our village and presented it to the Local Parish Council during a meeting to show them how bad the problem was and how dangerous dog poo is to the health of humans. Sadly the same thing is still happening :mad: I even clear up my dogs poo on countryside tracks, paddocks etc. as I don't believe anyone should be subjected to it.

    Another example was my best friend saw a man allow his dog to poo in the street she confronted him and he hurled abuse at her, she picked it up followed the man to his home and posted it through his letter box ;D

    Sorry to rant but it's a real bug bear of mine, however the suggestions are good ones and will easily sort the problem out :)
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    I live in the country and my dogs never poo where people will walk, however, runny poo or not I pick it up, or attempt to pick it up if runny, you can get some in the bag :) The rest which is unpickable, I would bury and cover up with grass, earth and leaves, we have to leave something for the dung beetle to do!
  7. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    I think the water is a really good idea :)
    I also bought a poo picker before I got riley, it's a bit like a claw on a digger and I think it would scrape up runny poo. I just got it from the bet shop, you just put the bag in it and then your hand the other side. Works well but I got bored carrying it round :D
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    Water idea sounds good to me.

    Where I live you have to carry bags and pick up, by law (as it should be). But sometimes it's just impossible to pick up a runny poo that's been liberally deposited over foliage... In a desperate situation I get what I can and throw dirt over the rest.
  9. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: picking up runny poo?

    There's a terrible dog poo problem on my street and I have complained to the council several times (I know my local dog warden personally). It's all solid poo so there's no excuse not to pick up!!

    Working in kennels for 7 years and now having my own dog I have picked up a LOT of poo in my time!!! Depending on the surface, if it's runny, you can sometimes scoop it up with some of the mud/leaves/gravel underneath. Other than that I just do the best I can with what I have! At least you've tried!
    The paper towels and water sound like a good idea though, something to bear in mind if Penny eve has diarrhoea, although to be honest the two stomach upsets she's had I haven't walked her so all I have to worry about is picking up in my garden.

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