Doggy body language

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Does anyone have any thoughts on the doggy body language going on - I don't want to fall into the anthropomorphism...

    Teasle & Rusty have started playing a lot together. It is interesting because when she first arrived she'd tend to play with Barney. Then she went away for a couple of weeks while she had her season. Since she got back Rusty seems to be the playmate of choice. A common game is tug with a squishy ball. The goal seems to be get it off the other dog and run into the crate to score ;D While this is going on Barney will either give little excited barks while lying down or he gets up and walks between them towards me seeking fuss. I've never known him so keen to come and look for cuddles. It can be quite amusing as he's trying to snuffle upto me with a lab & and a spaniel draped over his back!

    Sometimes he walks between them again and again. I'm not sure if he's trying to separate them, show them who's boss or join in! He doesn't make any noise while he does this and the game invariably continues. It's not an issue just a curiosity...unless of course you tell me otherwise !
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Doggy body language

    Sounds like Barney wanted to join in Carole but wasnt quite sure how to do it :) Having been a multi dog household until recent years , I am convinced that they do communicate between themselves . We used to watch Tess our old Lab who was, at the time about 3 years old , taking a nap or sunbathing . Then the two JR pups, then around 6 months old , would look at one another intently before, as one , jumping out of their beds to jump on Tess whereupon play would begin . So yes , I`m sure Barney wanted to be part of the fun too, bless him :)
  3. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Doggy body language

    I well remember 'The Look' my two old boys would give each other when they scented a bitch on heat while we were out for a walk. They would glance at each other, then slowly and casually inch in front of me until they were just out of my area of control, then they'd be off, a couple of old rogues on a mission, and I'd spend hours searching for them until they'd eventually turn up, exhausted but very pleased with themselves. :) So yes, in my book dogs definitely communicate with each other!

    In your case Carole I think Barney is just uncertain of whether he should be joining in or not. Interesting, isn't it, how they all have their own very different characters, and how they interact?m
  4. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Doggy body language

    I love watching my mob "talk" to each other. The Labrador stand off prior to the mad whizz is a classic, half play bow, half staring out. Maia steps forward and then Hebe literally winds herself up by circling on the spot, front and back feet swapping places before the spring is tight enough to catapult her off at top speed, back feet in front of hind (if you've seem Bryn Parry's butchers dog you'll know what I mean) out of the door to circumnavigate the ground flood before tearing back in to play bow again at Maia, who bounces at her with a gentle growl to send her off again. Just hold down anything breakable.....

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