Small Black Dog Has Much Needed Bath!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by David, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Well it got so bad today that I just couldn't stand the smell any longer. :eek: So the plan was to get in the shower with her after her walk and really shampoo and rinse in a big way. Have you noticed that these plans never work out as you expect? Just passing the farmyard entrance she found a delicious and fresh pile of fox pooh and as quick as a flash she was covered. Aaargh!

    Plan B - Fastened her to the front of the Land Rover on its' towing eye. TWO buckets of warm water. ONE pint jug of warm water and shampoo mix. Retrieve dog from under car (hiding). Pour on shampoo solution and work it in with a deep massage. I tell you that she discovered this was bliss standing with half closed eyes and tail wagging. Poured one bucket of warm water over her. She shared it with me generously by doing a big shake. Rub down and rinse again with second bucket of warm water (shared with Lady again ;D).

    Released the dog and off she went haring round the garden and running up to boff me with her paws.

    3 big towels and several good girls plus biscuit treats later and she smells as sweet as anything. Great - well at least until her next walk!
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Small Black Dog Has Much Needed Bath!

    Oh bless that girl :) At least you had the sense to wash her outside David, whereas I .......................

    But yes, they love to charge around like loons after a bath , love to see it :)
  3. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Small Black Dog Has Much Needed Bath!

    Bless her!

    Wish I could persuade Riley a wash was bliss in some small way. As soon as the bucket comes out the tail tucks under :(
  4. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Small Black Dog Has Much Needed Bath!

    Land Rover tow hitches have many uses!

    I seriously considered an outside shower when Maia and Juno were in their seriously getting muddy and smelly phases -especially as Juno would "break into" the household shower when it was in use :eek: ! These days I find the nearby river much more useful!! But as Hebe won't swim (fell in a garden pond aged four weeks and never got over it) I'm beginning to wish I had that shower, it's too cold these last few weeks to be playing around with a hosepipe on the cold water main in the still dark mornings.
  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Small Black Dog Has Much Needed Bath!

    That made me laught David, I can imagine it all too well...

    Luckily Poppy loves cold water (though not from the hose), so if - excuse me, WHEN - she gets filthy, I just chuck a stick into the nearby pond and that cleans her up nicely...

    Of course she often heads into that pond when I dont want her to as well... Like this morning, when I was in a rush to get to work... ::)
  6. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Small Black Dog Has Much Needed Bath!

    They just know when you are under pressure! ;D

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