Recognising words

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by kateincornwall, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    These dogs never cease to amaze me , how they learn certain words so very quickly .
    Sam has had an ongoing canine acne problem, it will seem to clear and then flare up again, its not really bad, doesnt both him at all, its under his chin . We are currently following a routine that is definately working , so, twice a day I get a facecloth ( not ours !) and soak it in warm water then hold it under his chin for a couple of minutes to open the pores, then I gently wash his chin with simple soap and rinse, let it dry and apply a small ammount of aloe vera gel . So , the scenario is , one of us will say the C word , " have you done Sams chin ?" Exit Sam to hide like we are about to murder him ::)
    So, thats another word he now understands , got to change the word to something else now :)
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Recognising words

    That is so clever and very funny. My children think Hattie can spell - sometimes if I ask them to feed the dogs they spell
    D I N N E R and Hattie goes to her bowl, very amusing!! When I have to clean her ears I sneak the cleaner from the cupboard ever so quietly, she shoots off and hides behind the curtains or anywhere else she thinks I can't see her :) Thank you Kate ;) Helen x
  3. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Recognising words

    It appears that Labs are ranked 7th in dog intelligence. I think we can't win trying to keep things secret. The dogs seem to focus their entire beings into reading what we are going to do next - largely in the hope of getting fed or played with I think. ;D
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Recognising words

    It's true. Pops can be flat out on her back asleep in the living room, but open the fridge or touch her bowl and she's there like a shot. Same if you touch the dummy or her lead - she's there by your side, ready for a game or a walk.

    My old dog Billy was very clever, and could identify lots of his toys by name. 'Fetch your rag / ball / squeaky toy' would have him collecting the correct toy each time. This never really worked with Bones though, poor love, who I think has been blessed with rather more beauty than brains ;). Time will tell with Poppy; but I think she's a clever one, too...
  5. debsie

    debsie Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2012
    Re: Recognising words

    yup my two recognise words...i think yes most quickly those that revolve round grub...I can say really quietly and to no one in particular is anyone hungry and there is a Skid of Labrador into the kitchen....They know Back Room and rush into the back room as thats where they have to eat their kongs...the cutest one tho is Cuillin knows 'Boys' - I call my friend's two Golden Retreivers The Boys, they were the first dogs Cuillin met when she was a tiny pup and came up to Edinburgh and she adores them, I just need to say 'shall we go see the Boys' and she goes completely loopy with excitement, Brods knows it too now
  6. Lynda

    Lynda Registered Users

    Nov 3, 2012
    Re: Recognising words

    There's no doubt that they can develop quite a vocabulary least for recognizing words. Monty knows quite a few ....apart from Mummy, Daddy....he knows....dinner, walk, park, car, ball, over here ( for when we're walking' ) and 'home now' when it's time to turn back towards home. He also can identify certain toys like 'catapillar' 'Mr Hamburger' , 'monkey' and 'bear' and he will fetch the right one most times. He knows 'stop', 'sit' and 'walk on'. Oh ...and his most favourite of all favourites....the word 'treat'.

    Isn't it wonderful that our four legged friends can learn these things. :)


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