Pet insurance

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Mowgs, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Mowgs

    Mowgs Registered Users

    Nov 27, 2012
    First time poster !

    I recently acquired a 7month old choccy lab pup, I have registered her with my local vets and got on their petplan - however im convinced I need to insure her to cover the other costs that I may have to cover in the coming years. However it seems a bit of a mine field, so my question to you is which insurers do you use / recommend to insure your labs ? (oh im assuming this is a UK site also).
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Pet insurance

    Hi there!
    We think this is a mine-field. So many opinions, we did not no where to go (or just put regular money away!) as we were first time dog owners.
    We opted for Argos Platinum - can't remember why but thought long and hard about it first.
    Susequently found out Lilly had severely dysplastic hips and they paid out no problems for our consultant referrals, x-rays etc.
    She gets regular (expensive!) anti-inflammatory tabs, and we decided to just take the cost of that on the chin rather than claiming this too. Thought we would save up our goodwill with the insurers for the inevitable op in due course.
    We were pleasantly surprised that out premium did not go up after our claim.
    So far we can't fault them.
    Thats one of very many opinions you will get I am sure.

  3. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance


    I have M&S pet insurance. It seemed to provide quite a bit more cover than others although not the cheapest. Apart from covering vet bills, pet insurance normally also provides some public liability insurance in case the dog injures someone or causes an accident. I think that's something also to consider with a big dog like a Lab.
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    I agree with you David. Health insurance is important - but third party coverage is a MUST.
  5. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    I too am new to dog ownership and the forum. :)
    I have my dog with Tesco, decent fees and lifetime cover (which is pretty important), also 3rd party liability. It was lots cheaper for similar sort of cover to John Lewis / kennelclub (2 that I checked out), and I got a further discount due to having my cat already insured with them. When I have claimed in the past for my cat they have been good to deal with and didn't put my premium up by too much. On top of that I get clubcard points and in fact I think you can pay it directly using points.
    It is a minefield and people have all had different experiences with different insurers.
  6. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    Sam is also insured with Tesco , I havent had to claim yet so his premium has stayed low , we only have to pay the first £60 too which is pretty good .
  7. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    We're insured too. Both with petplan. Huge hound Finnegan required a mortgage to insure with anyone except Animal Friends, we had a few problems with them, they're small, but on the whole they've been very good over some enormous bills.
    One thing to double check with all insurance is the lifetime cover, is it really lifetime or is there a maximum on either number of years or maximum claimable.

    With regard to third party not every knows but if you're a member of Dogs Trust you get third party insurance to one million (I think) as part of your membership.
  8. Mowgs

    Mowgs Registered Users

    Nov 27, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    To those with Tesco - just been looking online at their policies, I can't see anything regarding life policies ? Which standard of cover have you gone for ? The Standard or Extra ?
  9. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance

    Hi ya

    We have a savings account rather than insurance for our old girl now, as once they are over about 9 years old the premium becomes astronomical - but we have used M&S in the past and still use them for the cat. The lifetime cover option is essential I think. Insurance isn't worth much if they are going to abandon you 12 months into a lifelong problem.

    We made an ongoing claim for the cat recently over several appointments and treatments - M&S paid out with no problems whatsoever.

  10. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Pet insurance

    We had Hattie insured with M&S and when she needed surgery for the removal of grass seeds in her paw, they paid up no problem but put my premium up by that exact amount the following year, so no point really. We like Sam now save the money just incase. Have very mixed feelings about pet insurance, didn't have it in the old days!! Lots of my friends have also stopped insuring their dogs too. It's not the law to insure is it? Thanks Helen
  11. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance

    I decided to go the savings route as having two and looking at all the get out clauses I decided that I'd put the equivalent to a premium of a top quality cover each into saving each month. I now have £2000 saved earning interest which will build substantially by the time they get to the age where they are most likely to need a claim and many policies simply cut the useful cover. The upside is that hopefully in about 10 years I won't have touched it much and I'll have funds to get a new dog and big enough pot I can stop contributing to.

    No it's not a legal requirement to insure your dog but some vets would have you think that it's criminal not to.
  12. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    Good move Carole. As I have said in another post, the 80/20% rule seems to apply with dogs (as with people) - 80% of the medical bills seem to come in the last 20% of life...

    Cynically speaking - of course vets want you to insure your pet. Otherwise, if faced by an expensive operation, you might decide not to do it...
  13. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Pet insurance

    However, re post above, many vets refer dogs on to specialists and it is those that get the money!

  14. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance

    I must admit I think if I had one dog I would have gone for insurance but with 2 it was simply looking too much like a bad deal. Tragically this week a friend of mine found the hard way about insurance. He was spending £250 on his 4 year old collie. Sadly she got hit by a car and was seriously injured. The vets suggested various operations that could save her and possibly save her legs until the next day when the insurance company refused to pay out. Suddenly the attitude was "well there was a poor chance of success anyway". He had to have the dog put down which in all honesty should have happened immediately to end her suffering.
  15. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    An update from me too.
    Animal Friends have been really awkward about paying out Finnegan's insurance, even to the point of insisting on his original five-gen pedigree from the Kennel Club (good job we had one!). So although they were affordable the claim procedure has been dreadful and I wouldn't recommend them any more.
    However, I feel I must put in a good word for some vets, ours are simply amazing, the more horror stories I hear the more I realise how extraordinary they are. When Finnegan was first poorly they put him on cattle drugs because they're cheaper than the dog ones and work just as well especially for a dog of his size - the maths of two and three quarter tablets three times a day was a nightmare but at less than half price.... On another occasion I was told it was better to get certain drugs at the local chemist because it was cheaper than they could get, not your average vet. On Saturday we got a Christmas card (hand written by Katie, our vet at the practice) and a calendar from the local dog rescue.
  16. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance

    Your vets sound lovely! Where are you based?

    We have a one vet at the practice we're at that we love and another we're definitely not so keen on.
  17. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    Hi Barbara
    We're in Goathland on the North York Moor Moors. Our vets are 9 miles away in Pickering - that's the only disadvantage, not a good journey in bad weather, although the alternative is an equally unappealing 9 miles! They really are amazing, I knew they were good but until these last couple of years I didn't realise quite much. We're happy with any of the vet team (6 full time vets, we've seen them all at one point or another :eek: ) but Katie is 'our' vet we see her more and she wouldn't let anyone else treat Finn unless it was an emergency and on more than one occasion she came in on her day off - as I said simply amazing, if only we could say the same for every practice.
  18. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance

    Sadly that's slightly more than 9 miles for us as we're in Winchester :)

    The vet we like is absolutely lovely and Riley loves her. She always seems to take a very sensible approach. I just make sure I ask for her whenever I book an appointment.
  19. Labrina

    Labrina Registered Users

    Dec 20, 2012
    Re: Pet insurance

    This topic really is an eye opener as Greece barely provides insurance for people, let alone household pets. Sam has actually given me a wonderful idea in terms of having a backbone of my own in the event he requires anything, so Im setting up a savings account for McQueen. Now, the issue is the way the economy is here, can someone please bolt lock the notion of me being able to dip into it at times of trial ? !!! Davids situation and so on have really turned things around on the 'what if's' etc. If you all think the costs of medical treatments for pets etc are astonomical costs me 50 euro a month to maintain him without issues...his chip cost 65 ! Can you imagine any form of surgery required? I don't even want to think about it ...
  20. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Pet insurance

    Quite. The x-rays on Lady on Tuesday cost £465.

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