Barney out of sorts

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    I'm a little concerned about Barney as he really hasn't been himself in the last few days.

    It started Wednesday when I got back from the vet, where Zach was put to sleep. He was acting oddly round me which I took to me he'd picked up that I was upset. Usually when I'm unhappy he comes alongside me and leans in as if to reassure me he's there. This time he was watching me warily. I thought perhaps a smell from the vets was bothering him.

    That evening Rog came round to visit with Phinn. Barney definitely looked for Zach and was quite subdued the whole time although did rouse himself when Rog offered food (what a surprise!)

    Yesterday at my Mum's she noticed he wasn't his normal self and his coat is a bit off condition and I thought maybe he's coming down with something. Last night I took just Barney to Roger's house for a bit of company for Phinn. He refused to go into the kitchen at first and just stood his ground where normally he'd bound in like he owned the place.

    He's perked up a bit today and coat is back to mega shiny so I'm hoping it's nothing physical.

    So am I imagining that he's missing or even grieving Zach or it a reasonable explanation? Zach was frightened going to the vet and shook and would urinate in anxiety so it's possible Barney smelt that fear on me and would explain that bit?
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Barney out of sorts

    He's definitely noticed that you were upset, and probably knows it's something to do with Zach and you. Poor boy. My Bones was very sad when Billy died - depressed and quiet, needing lots of hugs and attention. He got much better after a few days, and I would say was back to normal after a week to ten days.

    My mum once had to have a border collie put to sleep - when she got back from the vets, the second dog bit her on the nose!!!

    Hoping Barney is feeling back to normal soon.
  3. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Barney out of sorts

    I dont have the experience to comment really, I know they're wonderfully sensitive to our moods and feelings though. Here's hoping it's just a hangover from the sadness of Zach's being put to sleep and he perks up soon.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Barney out of sorts

    I am 100% certain that they sense a loss , even if its just because they pick it up from us . Sam was definately moochy and miserable when we first lost Flynn , didnt seem to have enthusiasm for anything, just lost his spark . Gradually he has come back online so yes , I would say that this is the case with Barney . As much as anything , its the fact that the dynamics have changed , and being the sensitive souls that they are , this upsets them, glad he is better now x
  5. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Barney out of sorts

    They definitely know something's not right.
    When Finn was put to sleep, unusually for us at the vets surgery, initially the girls didn't really pay much attention, they were more worried about us and also they'd got used to us going with him, coming back without him and being a bit upset about it all. But as things settled down they, and especially Hebe, have noticed he's missing. Hebe has been quite miserable these last few weeks, it's almost as if now we've come to terms with it she can let us be and have her own grieving. It's quite heartbreaking to watch her try to cuddle into a scrunched up beanbag, she used to use Finn as her own pre-heated bed! But lots of walks, cuddles and a few new toys have helped and she's much more ready to bounce about again. She is a such a delicate flower, she needed our herbal vet's assistance to get over Cara (previous wolfie and surrogate mum). So I'm sure Barney knows you're unhappy about events and is aware his friend is missing.
    They do get over it. Enjoy the extra cuddles in the mean time.

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